Cycle question


Jacked Immortal
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EG Cash
Hi guys this is my first post. To start off im 42 years old 5’4” and weight 185. Currently less than 8%. Im on TRT from dr. Test cyp. 250/100mg deca nandrolone blend a week i split sun/wed. Been on TRT since 2015. So i wanted to do a blast which i have experience with but my main question was with what i have and how i should run it. I have T400 blend from OS(like sust) and anadrol. I wanted to run my TRT dose along with the t400 so should i run t400 say monday and trt dose on thursday for 650mg a week or run t400 1.5ml m/w/f split dose and add my trt dose in there with one? Run 50-75 mg adrol 4-6 weeks at beginning .
as far as test id personally just run the blend, split at least 2x a week
What are your goals here?
With the test dose why would you need the trt for? Like grim said split the blend to were you want. Unless you want the benefits from the deca?
Yea you right the TRT dose was to just keep going with the deca for joints. My goals were to put on a lil weight. I was thinking of spliting the T400 at .5 ml for m/w/f and add my TRT dose on one of those days. I just never tried a test blend before and wanted to try it. I get it about the esters and half lives i just heard of organon original use for sus was 1x/w but then some say you need to pin multiple times/w because of the PP and Prop. Ive never went over 650mg a week and wanted to try a lil more.
The more x/week you pin, the more stable the absorption rate theoretically. What ever you decide to use, I would use the same dose for each pin. I pin sust blends and DECA 3x a week.
Holy hell less than 8% bf? You must be jacked at your height and weight. Try it like this MWF do 0.7ml T400 which is 280mg per injection which would put you at 740mg T400 a week. It gets you over 650mg which you stated was highest and it does it by 90mg. U could start there and assess how you feel several weeks in and adjust accordingly.

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