cycle questions.


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
OK so I am planning ahead for my next cycle... want some input and ideas..

So I am thinking something along these lines..

test E 1-22 6-800 week
deca 1-12 ????? not sure the dose to run was thinking around 4-600mg WK
EQ 1-22 8-1000 week
tren 16-22 not sure if I want to run ace or E tren ace would be 100mg ed and tren e would be 6-800 mg a week.
would really like to run some primo in here but unsure where to get legit primo from.

winstrol 16-22 100mg ed ???????
anadrol 1-4 100,100,75,50
anavar 12-22 60-80mg ed

caber, adex, nolva

PCT nolva and cialis

GH and peps cjc and ghrp 6 also considering running slin.

this is a year out roughly...
OK so I am planning ahead for my next cycle... want some input and ideas..

So I am thinking something along these lines..

test E 1-22 6-800 week
deca 1-12 ?????
EQ 1-22 8-1000 week
tren 16-22 not sure if I want to run ace or E
would really like to run some primo in here but unsure where to get legit primo from.

winstrol 16-22 100mg ed ???????
anadrol 1-4 100,100,75,50
anavar 12-22 60-80mg ed

caber, adex, nolva

PCT nolva and cialis

GH and peps cjc and ghrp 6 also considering running slin.

this is a year out roughly...
Nice. You're gonna have to hire a secretary to keep track of everything for good.
I'd maybe drop the var and winny, since this looks like a serious bulk cycle, with the EQ, Deca and ghrp-6.I'm sure you have your reasons tho.

I'd definitely use TrenA, because you can clear the ester quicker, especially since it's at the end of your cycle.That's a lot of pinnin', but I've had good luck with TrenA ed as far as sides are concerned. Seemed to keep my blood levels super stable also, and I know you're not afraid of pinnin'.

Primo would be nice, but legit is way expensive, and if I was to run Primo (and I'm going to, have some legit), I'd run it with Masteron.Those 2 compounds work well together, especially ran with var. But then you're talking more or less a cutting/hardening cycle.

Ever think about Torem for PCT?I'm supposing you have Nolva listed on cycle in case of gyno flareup, you're not gonna take it while on as a matter of routine, are you?

Overall looks pretty goood brother.
Hanzo said:
OK so I am planning ahead for my next cycle... want some input and ideas..

So I am thinking something along these lines..

test E 1-22 6-800 week
deca 1-12 ?????
EQ 1-22 8-1000 week
tren 16-22 not sure if I want to run ace or E
would really like to run some primo in here but unsure where to get legit primo from.

winstrol 16-22 100mg ed ???????
anadrol 1-4 100,100,75,50
anavar 12-22 60-80mg ed

caber, adex, nolva

PCT nolva and cialis

GH and peps cjc and ghrp 6 also considering running slin.

this is a year out roughly...
Nice. You're gonna have to hire a secretary to keep track of everything for good.
I'd maybe drop the var and winny, since this looks like a serious bulk cycle, with the EQ, Deca and ghrp-6.I'm sure you have your reasons tho.

I'd definitely use TrenA, because you can clear the ester quicker, especially since it's at the end of your cycle.That's a lot of pinnin', but I've had good luck with TrenA ed as far as sides are concerned. Seemed to keep my blood levels super stable also, and I know you're not afraid of pinnin'.

Primo would be nice, but legit is way expensive, and if I was to run Primo (and I'm going to, have some legit), I'd run it with Masteron.Those 2 compounds work well together, especially ran with var. But then you're talking more or less a cutting/hardening cycle.

Ever think about Torem for PCT?I'm supposing you have Nolva listed on cycle in case of gyno flareup, you're not gonna take it while on as a matter of routine, are you?

Overall looks pretty goood brother.

this is my IDEA since it is such a long cycle.. I was thinking to bulk up as much as possible in the first 12-16 weeks... With the drol, test,deca and EQ the last bit of the cycle is to basically solidify the gains I made That is why i am wanting to run the winstrol and anavar and tren at the end......

I have never ran tren E but I was thinking about it.. I do like tren A though it was nice to me lol..

I have thought about it but have never used torem..

And the nolva I am not sure If I want to just keep it on stand by or run it all the way through with the deca.. deca is pretty rough on me.. MAkes my titties fucking hurt.. And breaks my dick. But it works so good. LOL

But this is why I posted it to get feed back and to see what others think... And the primo if I do run it i would really like to get ahold of real PHARMA grade shit... Same with my PCT and OCT I am done running research chems.. the doses are not correct and I would just have a better state of mind knowing my nolva caber and adex are REAL and dosed correct.
Looks massive
if you interested i can get ya some primo. Email me or PM for info so i can see what i can do for you
Hanzo said:
Maybe run NPP instead of Deca, less sides for me.
it dont matter man only thing that differs between the two for me is water retention. other than that I get the same sides.. I guess deca/npp works really well in my system... It hits me hard but the gains are great..
Hanzo said:
Maybe run NPP instead of Deca, less sides for me.
it dont matter man only thing that differs between the two for me is water retention. other than that I get the same sides.. I guess deca/npp works really well in my system... It hits me hard but the gains are great..

I hear ya man. Some of the best gains I've made came from a cycle I started with Deca and DBol, followed with Tren. The sides from Deca & DBol together were worse than Tren for me.I mostly run low doses of NPP anymore, just to alleviate joint issues when I'm blasting.
I'm wondering why not run tren to build. Consider this:

"Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid Nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike Nandrolone however Trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention (1) It has an unbelievable anabolic (muscle building) score of 500. When you compare that to Testosterone, which itself is a powerful mass builder, and has an anabolic score of 100 you can begin to fathom the muscle building potential of Trenbolone. What makes Trenbolone so anabolic? Numerous factors come into play. Trenbolone greatly increases the level of the extremely anabolic hormone IGF-1 within muscle tissue (2). And, its worth noting that not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1 in muscle over two fold, it also causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors(3). The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased (3)."

Tren also scores 500 on the androgenic scale as opposed to Testosterone at 100. This to me would way more beneficial to building Lean mass than any nandrolone. I know deca and npp are widely liked and tren is thought of as only a cutting compound, but the facts are that you can build both mass and strength on tren. Also Odin, since you have run tren ace before, you should be fine on tren E. I actually get fewer sides on tren e.

As far as slin goes, just do it under the supervision of a very experienced person. I've heard so many horror stories about guys getting messed up on insulin.

Tren's the best all around A/A/S, in my book. Above I was saying I got my best gains in 1 cycle with Deca/DBol kickstart and Tren for the rest of the cycle, I was kinda' vague there.Definitely not Deca #1, DBol #2, Tren #3 as favorites.

For me it's Tren #1, NPP #2, Test #3. I'm including sides vs. potential gains also.
RockShawn said:
I'm wondering why not run tren to build. Consider this:

"Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid Nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike Nandrolone however Trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention (1) It has an unbelievable anabolic (muscle building) score of 500. When you compare that to Testosterone, which itself is a powerful mass builder, and has an anabolic score of 100 you can begin to fathom the muscle building potential of Trenbolone. What makes Trenbolone so anabolic? Numerous factors come into play. Trenbolone greatly increases the level of the extremely anabolic hormone IGF-1 within muscle tissue (2). And, its worth noting that not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1 in muscle over two fold, it also causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors(3). The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased (3)."

Tren also scores 500 on the androgenic scale as opposed to Testosterone at 100. This to me would way more beneficial to building Lean mass than any nandrolone. I know deca and npp are widely liked and tren is thought of as only a cutting compound, but the facts are that you can build both mass and strength on tren. Also Odin, since you have run tren ace before, you should be fine on tren E. I actually get fewer sides on tren e.

As far as slin goes, just do it under the supervision of a very experienced person. I've heard so many horror stories about guys getting messed up on insulin.

well I dont know for sure and I maybe wrong but I think I read it somewhere that tren a is pretty hard on the liver and should not be ran for LONG cycles... I have no issue running the e I will just start of mild and work my way up then back off if need be... I know it can be used as a bulker. Just am not sure if its a good Idea to run the tren and the deca together..

I would like this cycle to be a long ester cycle minus the primo if I get it. I dont mind pinning but it sure does get old lol and confusing... the idea of the tren at the end with the anavar and winstrol is because of the synergistic effects of them combined. The growth potential with the right diet should be sick..

Not so much as to lose weight and slim down just to really push that hardened muscle fiber effect. when I get back from this field trip I am not to worried about the BF to be honest. I mean I dont want to go over 16% but I am not trying to be around 10-12 either the next two years are totally me focusing on putting on quality muscle.

Yeah the slin I need to do alot of research on it.. I dont want to fuck around with the slin half cocked... I want to get to a solid 230 in the next two years at 5'8 5'9 I should look like a fucking beast lol
Personally I'd do tren e for the bulking phase then switch to ace at the end to really harden up. Ask homegrown I really don't know how liver toxic it is tbh.
RockShawn said:
Personally I'd do tren e for the bulking phase then switch to ace at the end to really harden up. Ask homegrown I really don't know how liver toxic it is tbh.
According to William Llewelyn, author of "Anabolic Steroids", Finajet is not liver toxic at all. Now, as far as oral Tren I'd say it is somewhat liver toxic, as it's chemically altered at the molecular level(adding or deleting 1 carbon aton, I think.I've forgotten tbh) and passes through the liver and then absorbed into the bloodstream.
where the fuck did my post go... Fuck it was long too...

well fuck @ rock great idea about running the e in the front and the ace in the back... Didnt think about that.... That is what I have you guys for.

When I get back I am going to get with HG and turn up the heat that is for sure..

DIDnt blow it up just tweaking it to make it better lol Just trying to get on the ROCKSHAWN level ( BEAST MODE ) lol

I know I have a long hard road ahead of me.. And I am determined
RockShawn said:
There you go. In just a few short posts we blew up your whole cycle. LOL.
I think it's what cross wanted. He had to have known that's what we'd do, it's what we're here for. ;D

Seriously, these discussion's are great, we all have our own perspective and can add a new twist here and there for eachother.
Bro you got the heart of a lion. I have no doubt you can get there. Ill be right there cheering you on too. Just look at what you've already accomplished. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of you too.
RockShawn said:
Bro you got the heart of a lion. I have no doubt you can get there. Ill be right there cheering you on too. Just look at what you've already accomplished. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of you too.
Thanks brother I really appreciate it... it has been a tough road the past year but I am very happy with what I have accomplished.. I still struggle a lot still but I dont let it get in my way.. I have a great support system not only at home but here as well...

@ hanzo I agree we all have our own perspectives and when we come together and discuss shit.. It allows us to see things we may not have seen on our own.. WHich is a great thing...

I might throw up one last progress picture before I dip out for awhile.. I look a shit ton different then I did in my last pictures i up loaded...

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