Cycle Support


NextGen Freak

After spending some time on the board and learning a little bit I started to add more compounds and made my cycles more advanced. I found out quick that I do not like Deca. I also have a new found love for test p/mast/tren cycles with a test e base. So thank you everyone for that!

But, with this new found love...comes some side effects. I'm prone to small amounts of gyno. Typically my left nipple gets puffy...and my right develops a ball which drops out quick when I hit some nolva on my post.

I don't mind it when I'm on cycle because I know it will go away quick, but I would like to prevent it from growing into a bigger problem with each cycle. Even though they shrink....those fat cells do not disappear. After seeing my buddy recently get his tits done and his estrogen glands removed...I would not only like to avoid the surgery...but the 6k cost as well.

So my question is...Should I be running letro or should I be running caber on cycle?

Currently I have letro on the way and was thinking .25 ED or .5 EOD, but I'm open to suggestions and input. Here to learn
It depends, if your gyno is prolactin based id run caber. but you should have something to combat gyno regardless if you are proned on and after.
You can run the letro eod or run nolva ed to prevent the gyno in the first place. Either will be fine. The idea is to not let the deposits build up until post cycle.
Becareful if you run letro. Can come with nasty sides and should be tapered when starting and discounting. Also, you dont want to run letro throughout your whole cycle, IT IS NOT MENT FOR THAT PURPOSE, but is ment to be ran until gyno side subside ect. Usually 3 week mark everything should really start to dissolve. I have a lil gyno, but probably going to hold off on the letro till I cruise cus of how fatigued I get from it ect
Well GF, it definitely came with some sides. I ran it for. A week and a half and did not taper down. I immediately stopped on Friday because thurs through today I experienced extreme itching in random areas. It would show up and I would scratch the fuck out of myself for 30 minutes then disappear. Then later it would be a different spot. I'm assuming its the letro because I did not get hives or break out in a rash... So it couldn't have been something external I made contact with (plus all my soaps, deodorants, etc. have not changed) so I was guessing it was something I ingested.

Anyone else ever have any problems with itching spells while on letro or any other pct or peptide? It's drivin me nuts and I've read letro can stay in your system upwards of 4 days
I am running test p, mast p, and tren ace 100/100/100 7 days a week with var at 80mgs ed and I have been itching alot lately. Im running mod grf 1-29 and ghrp-6 ed too and hcg once a week. I have run this cycle before minus the mast p and I dont recall the itching. Its weird!
I've read a lot of articles and after being off my letro for a few days now with the itching still just as bad as last week I'm thinking it may be the tren or mast. It's bugging the hell out of me, but I'm not exactly sure what to do yet. Mine is extreme itching....not any fun
I get itchy all over like just out of nowhere and for no reason I will have to itch my back and shoulders and neck, its crazy. I dont remember ever itching this much even before when I have run tren the only time I would get itchy is right before I had a coughing spell, but that was always followed by watery eyes and sweating and feeling hot. I dont get none of those symptoms I just get itchy spells and it isnt even right after shots its just out of the blue.

Im gonna say its the mast p or maybe the combo of mastp and test p and tren ace or anything like that.
DGAF said:
I get itchy all over like just out of nowhere and for no reason I will have to itch my back and shoulders and neck, its crazy. I dont remember ever itching this much even before when I have run tren the only time I would get itchy is right before I had a coughing spell, but that was always followed by watery eyes and sweating and feeling hot. I dont get none of those symptoms I just get itchy spells and it isnt even right after shots its just out of the blue.

Im gonna say its the mast p or maybe the combo of mastp and test p and tren ace or anything like that.
That's really friggin weird! Never seen any symptoms like that from any of those compounds...Are they all from the same Lab?
Yup they are all from the same lab that I have been using for a long time. I never used mast p before so that is the only new compound to me. I have used the peps before at the same dose but they may have been from a different place, I have ordered from a couple of places for them so I dont remember if it is the same place I used my last time around. I know alot of guys using the lab I use and none of them have had this happen to them so maybe its just me or maybe its something in the combo itself or reacting with the other stuff. I dont get itch all the time or even everyday but it does come in spells and will last maybe 5 mins or so then go away and not come back for a day or so. Kinda weird. It isnt bad or intolerable to where I am gonna stop stuff, I will continue on with everything as I normally would and take it as it comes if it does.
Finally got my itch to go away. I discontinued the use of my letro and kept up on my regular juice schedule. I'm assuming my letro was just extremely strong and stayed in my body for longer than I had expected. I had heard the most was just a few days but after 6 days my itching had completely seized. Glad it wasn't the tren/mast 🙂 cus I'm loving this cycle!
Like I said, never heard of that side from anyone on that cycle.....good news.
Mine was caused by my bodywash lol. I stopped using it and no more itchy scratchy.
DGAF said:
Mine was caused by my bodywash lol. I stopped using it and no more itchy scratchy.
DGAFwhat were you using?
Horse Semen?
No it was soft soap bodywash for men. I think it is the fragrence they put in that stuff cause I know I cant use AXE bodywash cause I break out in hives from it. I should have figured this stuff would be the same but I didnt put two and two together till after the fact. No more bodywashes for me, Ill stick to my lever 2000.
I didnt see anyone mention useing adex instead of nolva. Nolva will not stop the conversion from test to estrogen it just stops it from bidding to fat cells, adex will stop the conversion itself. That being said its good to have some estrogen in your system.

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