Cycle Time - Need input: Test/Tren/Mast


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Trying to plan out next cycle. Keep in mind I'm on full time TRT (test cyp). This is not my first time with tren (ran Tren Ace several years ago and then Tren E about 3 years back) - so its been a few years.. never tried masteron before. With diet I plan to make this into a cut.

can't buy anything else - so please keep that in mind.

Plan - Run it till it's gone or sides get too bad:

Tren A @ 50mg / day (350mg total for the week)
Test Cyp @ 200mg every 4 days (basically doubling my TRT dose) (call it 400mg total for the week)
Mast @ 50mg / day (350mg total for the week)

if I'm tolerating the tren well (been a while + new supplier - will see how strong it kicks) I plan to up the tren after a couple weeks in to 75mg/day

My question:
a) how's the above look?
b) would you go more aggressive on the tren/mast doses i.e, start at 75mg/day? (that means I'd be jumping from 350mg to 525mg for the week)
c) any thoughts on just leaving my test @ 200mg /week and only adding in the tren and mast?

btw - yes have arimidex on hand as I take it now m/w/f... plan on keeping same

Thanks brothahs..
It looks good to me only I would be more aggressive on the Tren and Mast doses but bumping them to 100mg. Maybe
even increase the Test up to 400 by week 3. It's worked for me Brother SoCal! Maybe it will work for you mane! ;D
I'd keep everything as you have it and run it for at least 4 weeks. You should make some really good gains if you've been on only trt this entire time. By that time if you feel gains have slowed bump up the doses some near the middle of cycle.
sityslicker1 said:
I'd keep everything as you have it and run it for at least 4 weeks. You should make some really good gains if you've been on only trt this entire time. By that time if you feel gains have slowed bump up the doses some near the middle of cycle.
4 weeks? I plan on running 12-16 weeks min...
Post all your stats so everyone knows what your goals are and help you get it!

Didn't you post in the shout box that you're in the 20%+ bf range? If you are I'd save the Masteron until you get around 10%. Masteron's biggest benefit to most people is a hardening of muscles with an already lower bf%. IMO.
38 y/o
242 (hovering between 241-244 lately)

Goal - cut and find abs 🙂 Then after that work on specific body parts as necessary.

Just starting diet this week/last week... just getting back to gym after 3 months off due to illness..

BF% don't know... would like a guess from you guys.

December 2013 pic is attached - 244 lbs
Also attached is pic from December 2012 - 224 lbs (leanest I've ever been)

[attachment deleted by admin]
When you get to the 2nd pic a good cut cycle with masteron, maybe primo would do wonders for you.
My best results was to run Tren A and Test P eod @ 50mgs each. Cut me to the bone. I ran 100mg each eod with no better result than I got with 50/50. Anyway...everyone responds a little differently so play around with dosage till you find the LOWEST effective dose...JMO.
SoCal said:
38 y/o
242 (hovering between 241-244 lately)

Goal - cut and find abs 🙂 Then after that work on specific body parts as necessary.

Just starting diet this week/last week... just getting back to gym after 3 months off due to illness..

BF% don't know... would like a guess from you guys.

December 2013 pic is attached - 244 lbs
Also attached is pic from December 2012 - 224 lbs (leanest I've ever been)
Just eye-ballin its tuff to tell but I would put u at 13 -14 %. In general your abs begin to show at about 10% and your oblique and Christmas tree somewhere around 6-7%.
Your dose is fine.....I'm not much at all for Cyp with Tren A, though.
I know the body fat % guessing game is a big debatable.
I've always believed around 12% top for abs visible hint of 6 if u flex
10% 6 pack but not super chiseled some veins showing
8% chiseled 6 pack real vascular and striations very hard look to muscles
6% diced and sliced veins on veins rock hard look cuts in every body part very distinct
Under 6% look sick thin in face but body is rocked up show ready for the win
I'm guessing your 12-14% safely.. So for u to get down to 10-12 u need to loose 15-18lbs roughly...
The cycle looks good, I normally don't recommend mast unless body is already fairly lean.
But your gtg and I think the mast results will help over all look once your leaned down.
You should have a good run and reach your goal
Hanzo said:
When you get to the 2nd pic a good cut cycle with masteron, maybe primo would do wonders for you.
I'm with Hanzo on this one...wait till the tren and diet gets your BF down, then start blasting the Mast.

Maybe wks 1-6 test/tren, wks 7-16 test/tren/mast
never thought about adding the mast in toward the end.. might be a good idea...

Wacker said:
I'm with Hanzo on this one...wait till the tren and diet gets your BF down, then start blasting the Mast.

Maybe wks 1-6 test/tren, wks 7-16 test/tren/mast
So is the mast worthless to me at present? Would I see/feel anything from it? It is my understanding that it will act to boost my test cyp, not to mention help libido and wood
Masteron is a DHT derivative and can have positive effects with compounds that aromatize heavily. That being said, the visual benefits of Masteron are still going to be at lower bf%.
Run Mast SoCal right now with that cycle but up those doses to 75mg a day minimum. You should run Test Prop not Cyp if you wanna keep the bloat off. Same cycle I am running right now except I am blasting GH and HCG also

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