Cycling after Gyno Surgery


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I've got some puffy nips that I plan on having done before summer starts. Mine are really not that bad, all of my training partners have told me not to waste the money on the surgery, but they're enough for me to notice and I'd rather just not deal with looking at them. I'm in the best shape of my life and want to show it off this summer.

For anyone who has had gyno surgery, have you cycled after surgery? What compounds do you stick to and / or avoid? Have any of you returned to using 19-nors as long as you have caber and an AI in the mix? My issues were definitely from Tren and we are now divorced ;D will never be running her again.
You can get the gland removed and will never have to worry about gyno again..
It has a possibility for the tip to be flush or sunken in from the readings I've done (doesn't mean it's going to happen). I had a small bit of permanent gyno from a PH I took when I was clueless at 18. Never goes away no matter how much letro I take. So I did a lot of reading a while back and that's what I read also.
Who cares how nipples look on a man? I don't think women care about minor things like that.

I once had sex with a woman who had breast cancer before. She didn't have a nipple on one titty. But I still was able to have a major orgasm. Lol
I just had my second gyno surgery. He better have gotten the whole gland this time. I haven't seen the results yet but he did good the first time. Mine weren't noticeable to anyone looking. But the lump on the left side was big and firm. The right side was several little nodules. If I end up with an innie I won't mind. Hell nowadays any doctor could just inject some restylane or something in there to fill them out. My lumps were painful when my son a day I were playing, especially when his razor sharp elbow would hit me just right. The main reason I wanted them removed is that they are by definition pre-cancerous. And if they metastasize it goes straight into the lungs because men don't have the fatty breast tissue to act as a buffer. I'll get the biopsy results back on Friday when I go back for my post op. My post surgery cycle is simply 100mg test c a week, 3iu greytops a day, and 300mg primo a week.
I got mine done in 1992 by Bruce Nadler.....he was the plastic surgeon for bbers in the 90's.. he took the same route as Chris Benoit... killed himself and his wife.....

But he did excellent work...he left a small percentage of the gland in so the nipple looked perfect...if they take too much out the nipple could be inverted.

Back than ai's weren't even invented yet.... there was no internet.. nolva was it....i was petrified of test for years.....but nowadays I never run anything for estro other than 50mg zinc picolinate and 400iu vitamin e.......i always have either 400-500 mast or 50mg proviron so I feel that's enuff estro control for me....... I don't go over 500 test anyway and orals I don't touch anything strong .......i never had any issues but my buddy had gyno come back on 1 side and had to get it removed again

I only did 1 cycle of test before I got gyno and I've been juicing for about 20 years since I've had the surgery... the only thing was at first I was scared of test but since ai's are so easy to get i wouldn't worry about shit..... like I said I only use mast or proviron for estro along with zinc and vit e helps with prolactin..... but everyone is different... I would keep test on the lower side and I would run low dose ai until you figure out if your gyno situation is something you need to be concerned about.... maybe it won't be but I'd err on the side of caution......don't go nuts on ai but I'd run a moderate dose of aromasin on my cycles til you figure out if your gyno will get aggravated again....mine never was and I know for a fact he left a small percentage of the gland in
First thanks pattyd for inviting me over here. I'm one week post surgery and my incisions have completely closed. It is going a lot faster with greytops and primo this time. I go for my post op on Tuesday, I think my surgeon is going to be surprised.
I had the bilateral surgery twice because the first surgeon didn't remove it all. I've never had any problems since the second surgery regardless of dosages and need no AEs or AIs. Aesthetically my result was very good as well.

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