Dad gets prison time for selling illegal steroids from Midlothian home


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Dad gets prison time for selling illegal steroids from Midlothian home
Posted July 8, 2015, by Melissa Hipolit,

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. — Tempers flared at the Midlothian home of a man sentenced Wednesday to spend four years in prison for selling illegal anabolic steroids.

Forty-four-year-old Carl Macchiarulo pleaded guilty in April to conspiring to distribute anabolic steroids.

“I have children here, f*** off,” a woman who identified herself as Macchiarulo’s wife, yelled from the porch of her home to CBS 6 reporter Melissa Hipolit.

The U.S. Department of Justice said Macchiarulo imported the illegal drugs from China and other foreign countries, sold them online, and then distributed the steroids through the mail to customers in 30 different states.

‘I have children here, f*** off,’ woman yells after Midlothian man sentenced to prison for selling illegal steroids.

“They’re usually unmarked boxes that come in,” Doctor Richi Bala, who specializes in Sports Medicine at Bon Secours Redskins Training Center, said.

Bala said the illegal steroids are growing in popularity, including among teens.

“The biggest rise has been among recreational athletes to get that edge, to get that muscle mass, to get them ahead of the pack,” Bala said.

Bala said anabolic steroids are dangerous, and it’s important to stop their sale.

“There’s a causality link between enlarged heart and steroid use,” Bala said.

A water slide in the backyard couple’s backyard.

As part of the plea agreement, the feds seized more than $160,000 from Macchiarulo’s home, which they said he made from selling the steroids.

Macchiarulo’s attorney, Scott Leemon, sent CBS 6 the following statement:

“We would like to thank the court for showing some mercy. The court saw Carl is a family man and this was the only blemish on his 44 years of life. He’s fully accepted responsibility for what he did and looks forward to getting home to his family who are the most important people in the world to him.”
LE is doing everything it can to stop the use of gear,it's sad because anything abused can be unhealthy but used correctly can be of great benefit.These Dr's that are uneducated about gear are doing everyone a disservice.
Thor said:
LE is doing everything it can to stop the use of gear,it's sad because anything abused can be unhealthy but used correctly can be of great benefit.These Dr's that are uneducated about gear are doing everyone a disservice.

You're absolutely right.Also,like I always say,if the gov't is really trying to protect us from the poisons that are killing us all,AAS should be at the bottom of a very long list,starting with prescription drugs,cigarettes,alcohol,etc.Seeing as how scrips kill more people each year than any rec drug combined,I think they need to be the first thing we wage war on.Next is cigarettes since they kill millions each yr as well.Anyone know how many AAS deaths there are a year?? If you find out,please let me know because I know of none to date.Not the media type bullshit that is out there,I mean PROVEN DEATHS CAUSED BY STEROIDS.
I think i know who this was, dealt with him about 2 yrs ago, solid dude.
woe said:
The cdc has it listed at 3 per year

Im not aware of any.Id like to see the stories on those deaths and the official cause of death reports.I hope they're not counting Lyle Alzado as one of them which has long been debunked as steroids as the cause of his death..LMFAO.

But lets go with that number as accurate.Lets just for shits and giggles say they're right.3 deaths a year from steroids.Now lets compare that number to cigarettes which is in the millions.Lets compare it to OTC meds.Alcohol?? Even food toxicity! Absolutely no comparison so as I have been stating for many many years,if the gov't is really going after the things that kill us,Steroids should be at the bottom of a LONG F&N LIST!!

Any time anyone ever wonders about the true reason,ask yourself that.Why arent the true MEDICALLY proven and DOCUMENTED killers causing the largest number of deaths ILLEGAL?? If thats really the reason for going after steroids,why arent they the least sought after?? Think about it!
The true reason is there is no financial gains to having a healthy group of citizens in the U.S. Fat, sick, unhealthy people are the backbone to the medical economy and much of what drives the American economy. A healthy bunch of yoked up MF'rs are a bigger challenge to big government if there ever was an uprising also.
sportsfreak said:
The true reason is there is no financial gains to having a healthy group of citizens in the U.S. Fat, sick, unhealthy people are the backbone to the medical economy and much of what drives the American economy. A healthy bunch of yoked up MF'rs are a bigger challenge to big government if there ever was an uprising also.

Very well stated.I couldn't agree more.
This is a damn shame - I dont know that magnitude of his operation but $160k seems like a good chunk of bread. I wonder how long they investigated him. If it was a seized pack - apparently what the feds do is for example - this dude may have a po box (probably has 3-5 actually) So if he has a pack seized and it is sizeable they will check his po box history meaning they will find every po box this guy had in the last 5-10 years. They then will take any pack from the origin country of what was seized - so this guy was getting packs from china - they will see in his history how many packs were from China (and even other countries) and take the weight of all those packs combined to charge him.

So picture he has 7k tabs seized and the pack weighs X amount - they actually add up the weight of every pack he got and use that to charge him. I am guessing that is why the lawyer was happy with the guy getting 4 years - probably could have been doubled.

It is so crazy that this much attention is being paid to steroids. There are tons of heroin being brought into the country everyday - but gear seems to be one of the highest priorities. I blame MLB - ever since that BALCO scandal more and more people are getting busted. Sucks 15 years ago - you could receive 5 international packs per week and not even worry - now I would be hesitant to go int at all
lith56bigguy said:
Yes INT scares me as well
It only has been the past few years were I really see more problems - I mean for years it was a free for all - as long as the sources took some care - but its getting more and more difficult - specifically from certain countries going into certain zip codes

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