Dark Cycle Sledge

it's supposed to be structurally similar, anyway. i hope it's not as toxic lol. I'll be falling asleep on the bench.
it's supposed to be structurally similar, anyway. i hope it's not as toxic lol. I'll be falling asleep on the bench.
R2D2Found this.....

Featuring unheard of anabolic and myotropic effects, Dimethazine was compared to Methyltestosterone, Oxymethalone, Androstanazole and Testosterone Propionate in their protein-anabolic activity. Dymethazine was shown to have the HIGHEST myotropic (muscle building) effects out of any of the previously named steroids (Methyl-Test, Anadrol, Winstrol, and Testosterone Propionate)! In addition to this, it also displayed an ability to induce a higher rate of Nitrogen retention than Methyl-Test.
I believe it's a legally prescribed medicine somewhere in Europe, maybe Italy?
max-lmg is the shit wish I could find more used up my stash
I might have some if you want to do a trade, Eman
R2D2Hell ya. I would iv got methylstenbolone and M1A and desoxy-T-acetate and dienolone if your looking to trade ph for ph. Got other orals or oils as well. Pm if you find out you’ve got some stashed away. I’ll def make it worth your while
Hell ya. I would iv got methylstenbolone and M1A and desoxy-T-acetate and dienolone if your looking to trade ph for ph. Got other orals or oils as well. Pm if you find out you’ve got some stashed away. I’ll def make it worth your while
Emanok i'll take a look when i get a chance and let you know
Hey E, what brand were you using. I looked max lmg up and it seems like a phew companies carry it and extremesupplements says they carry max drol hd, they say it it is max lmg and superdrol combo??
Hey E, what brand were you using. I looked max lmg up and it seems like a phew companies carry it and extremesupplements says they carry max drol hd, they say it it is max lmg and superdrol combo??
ThorAggressive labs. Ya unfortunately there all uk websites selling it.
Aggressive labs. Ya unfortunately there all uk websites selling it.
EmanE if R2 don t have what you need I had some DMZ LOAD by Warpharma 15mg DMZ and 30mg MAxLmg. Still got little less than 1/2 bottle but think one of my bro s had a full bottle or 2. I did not get lethargic on this but had to watch bp close. Took 1 cap am 1 cap pwo hell of a rip.
damn, i like this stuff already

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