Day traders


Iron Killer
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EG Cash
Do we have any daytraders here? I just got into it and I'm already making some profits. In the last 2 weeks I've already made 1,636 in gains. Loving it.

I paper traded and studied for a few months to learn the ins and outs etc. but well worth the wait and patience. I'm trading while at work. So making money while I'm making money!

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when i get some cash together i will be day trading. ive done tons of paper trading and im excited to get started. glad youre having good luck with it.
I'm signed up for warriortrading chat room. Some smart people there and a lot to learn! I recommend starting there to get a load of knowledge as well. It's like 100 a month but well worth the payment. Like I said I made 1600 so far while trading with those guys. Paid for itself already. But I'm willing to share knowledge and discuss things here if anyone is interested.

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def interest, always wanted to try a website like that but too cheap, what did you put in to make the 1600
I started off with a 5k cash account and it's up to 6636.34 right now. I did a lot of reading and watching YouTube videos before I started trading with real money or even spent the subscription with warriortrading. I wanted to know all the ins and outs of what I could teach myself before I even risked money or spent money. I have been spending most my offtime at work and nights self teaching myself for the last few months. 2 weeks ago I was confident enough to actually trade and join a live chat room and it was well worth the wait. I have made 8 round trip trades and was green on 6. Red on 2. Won't win every trade obviously but by knowing how to use stop orders you limit your losses vs wins. So technically you can have more losses and still come out with profits if you cut your losses early and ride the wins.

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There's so much to learn and I don't even have a dent made to what I could know. But what I would do starting off is learn chart patterns. Abcd setups, flagging, consolidations, indicators, resistance levels and what they mean, bull flags. That's all 'long' setups.. obviously they have more but those are the basics and happen the most. They also have 'short' setups but that requires a margin account which requires 25k minimum which I don't want to drop 25k into as a starter account. But start there and if you have any questions let me know!

Also you need to learn level II and how to read it . It helps you know if you need to get out of a trade or not before the momentum reverses and heads the other way. You can tell if the stock is being held up or down, etc.

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thats awesome man. you mind me asking what stocks youve been playing?
Just to name a few, OPTT, KONE, SGY, OPGN, CERU, SPU.

We have scanners which I'll take a picture later today as they go off. It scans for momentum, reversals, gappers, etc live data and also news being broadcasted by the companies. When one of the scanners alerts we check it out and if it's something we think will rise quickly or drop quickly we long or short the stock. Gotta be quick though. If something pops up on the scanner it usually lasts for a few minutes. Gotta get in early

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Scanners attached.

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I've been reading up on investing just
Don't know where to start
But good to see that ur all ready profiting
I got in a trade today lost 74$ .. can't win em all but my green trades exceed my red in numbers and dollar value. Risk management. Set stops and get out on small losses. Can always get back in later during the day.

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blasson said:
Just to name a few, OPTT, KONE, SGY, OPGN, CERU, SPU.

We have scanners which I'll take a picture later today as they go off. It scans for momentum, reversals, gappers, etc live data and also news being broadcasted by the companies. When one of the scanners alerts we check it out and if it's something we think will rise quickly or drop quickly we long or short the stock. Gotta be quick though. If something pops up on the scanner it usually lasts for a few minutes. Gotta get in early

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Blasson, you said "we have scanners" and "we check it out".

Is the "we" you're talking about your warriortrading group?

And, are the "scanners" something you get with your membership there at warriortrading, or do you have to buy those through some other source?

I've thought about this forever, but just didn't know where to start.

Great info, thanks Bro!!!

8) 8) 8)
The we is the warrior trading group, correct. Software called trade ideas. A lot have their own tweaks to it and we pretty much catch every stock that is worth day trading and post it in the chat so if someone's scanner doesn't catch it, they'll still be able to trade on it if they feel it's worthy.

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Thanks Brother!!!

I haven't been able to check in because of work the past few days.

Is the software free or how much is it?

Do you get it through warriortrading, or is trade ideas a seperate company?

8) 8) 8)
Trade ideas is a seperate company. You technically don't need it if you're in warrior trading chat room Bc a lot of people have it and broadcast stocks while it's happening. Also, the screen sharing from Ross displays his scanner as well. You don't need it while at warriortrading. But will need it if you ever branch off on your own. It's pricey too.

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I've always found day trading fascinating but there's so much to learn I've never really tried. Pretty awesome you're making gains though!
Sorry for somehow missing this thread!

Guys I'm not going to bullshit you on this but I research, research and research stocks daily 3-4 hours a day and keep up with all the news.

Look and research the following:

First off stay away from AppDynamics which IPOs(Initial Public Offering) next week. There stock is going to be a hell of a bump ride for the first 20-30 days.

Look into Splunk Inc (SPLK) stock on the stock market. It's expected to go from $56/share upwards between $70-$91/share within next 12 months. It's a computer programming company. That's a 30-39% return.

Look into Keane Group Inc which IPOs on Nasdaq on 01/20/17. That's a company that deals with oil fracking. They expect to IPO at a stock price of $17-$19. I expect it to open up at $18 and then hover around $19-$21. Later this year I expect it to double and within 5 years I expect it to reach $90+/share.

Also please put whatever spare money you have aside because Uber is IPO'ing this year and it will do amazing. It'll be the next biggest thing to hit. I expect it to IPO mid year.

For me I'm dumping a few thousand into Keane Group Inc and Splunk Inc.

If anyone has any questions concerning investments or stocks please feel free to contact me. I'll do my best to assist.

Also another piece of advice is don't put more than 5-10% of your total portfolio into one stock.
And remember Gents, scared money doesn't make money!!! Look at EnteroMedics Inc (ETRM). I bought that mother fucker at $9/share and rode that bitch up to $27/share within 5 days and sold that bitch at $26/share before it bounced down to the teens.

Money to be made gents. Money doesn't do shit for you sitting in a shoe box under your bed.

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