Dbol, adrol, superdrol?


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok fellas I'm about to add an oral to my test-npp-deca stack. Which one of these orals do you recommend and why?

1. One oral at a high dose?
2. Two orals together at a lower dose?

Thanks bros.

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Why are you running both deca and npp?

Also share some information on your goals.. stats. Etc so we could give better input to help you out.

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Starting with npp to kick start the cycle. Then drop it about three weeks into it.

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Currently running 525mgs tren ew and 750mgs sust ew. Going to lean out, drop a good 15 pounds and start this bulking cycle with the deca, npp and an oral.

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I'd rock the adrol. Get some strength to destroy those muscles and fill them out. I don't really care for dbol anymore either. But that's what I would do.

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I bet if more people chime in they'll prob say super but i think coming off tren blast then slamming deca right after your liver will thank you just a little more.

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I bet if more people chime in they'll prob say super but i think coming off tren blast then slamming deca right after your liver will thank you just a little more.

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I'm running a nac/tudca blend product right now. Gonna get bloods done when I'm done with this tren cycle. You may be right though, I'll see how my liver numbers are.

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Adrol or superdrol

I LOVE superdrol but it has nasty sides.

Superdrol to me destroys adrol or dbol in strength

Dbol however such a wet compound
Adrol or superdrol

I LOVE superdrol but it has nasty sides.

Superdrol to me destroys adrol or dbol in strength

Dbol however such a wet compound
What are the nasty sides besides needing the liver support?

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What are the nasty sides besides needing the liver support?

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glock4319Insomnia and extreme muscle pumps to point they can make you scream like a little girl are 2. Sd zaps taurine out. Supplemental taurine on hand is a must
I would say adrol as well. Just be careful and run an aromatase inhibitor, liver support, and vit C just to fight off the harsh tren/adrol sides and painful man boobies
50 mg anadrol +30mg dbol the synergy between to two is pretty amazing.
Do what you haven't done before. If you've used them all separate then combine them.

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