Dead Lift Max gains


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Alright peeps, everyone has hopefully set "Goals" when the New Year came around instead of resolutions.... Well, I set mine. I'll be 50 cone Jan 1, and I thought it would be awesome to pull 500 for my 50th! Problem is, I need a valid protocol that I can follow. I've pulled 465, but my realistic 1Rm right now has fallen to 435lb. I haven't had the time to implement a solid strategy, between work, running the fitness studio, and doing the Nutrition programming.... So... Who's got a good regimen? CB1?
Heres a good protocol....

Conjugated Strength Training

The idea is to constantly vary the exercises and abilities often, so that you can minimize the effects of overtraining and keep the body gaining strength and muscle. Additionally, by constantly varying the strength lifts, you are able to make the training stress more transferable to other environments. This may mean playing more with pulling variations, bands, chains, fat bars, or entirely opting to perform other lifts outside the deadlift family; all can be very effective means of overall strength adaptation and progress.
Solid! I've implemented this strategy in the past. Building other areas, like the Squat, helps strengthen core muscle groups needed for other lifts. I've also implemented the 5-3-1 method. And; honestly, never seen better strength gains then with that. I'm just not sure I can gain 35-65lbs of pull in 9 months.
Im hitting gym hard myself. Getting leaner but still set back after set back. Damn elbow won't heal, lack of sleep etc, feel strength getting worse in many ways.

BUT im hitting legs and deads or rack pulls more.
Very light but hell at our old age its something.

Keep at it T!
When I was going heavy with deadlifts I varied constantly I would start on the lower end and build up with rep sequences 10-8-6-4-4-2-2-2-1-1-1
My squatting and deadlift days are over but because its you and you're such a good man I looked in my book

This is the last heavy workout I have recorded from 3 years ago. I didn't follow the rep ranges strictly. Went directly by feel sometimes heavier faster. If you want power, train like a powerlifter you old fart. Everything else can be a bodybuilding regimen
Btw thats a shit ton of dead sets.ive never done that kind of volume on deads. Other moves i go insane. Deads and legs never. Always so worried about low back. Call me Sally
@GRIM This was after I started benching with a group of competitive powerlifters on Sundays. I would meet them during the week for deads. Their methodology was: Get the body used to the pull you're going to finish with -15% Everything they did was low rep range many sets. They benched one day, day of other groups(shoulders, arms, core), squatted, alternate day, deadlifted, alternate day then completed the cycle over again in repetition regardless of what day it fell on

I only did the 10 and 8 sets because I was terrified of not warming up correctly. They didn't do this. Thy pretty much went right into it
@GRIM . I'm not calling you Sally anything. I'm the one with the two level lower lumbar fusion over being an idiot. Getting rear ended at a redlight was the icing on the cake. I just felt crunched. IT didn't go away
@lith56bigguy grrr sorry to hear bro! Arent injuries umm interesting! We may not lift like we once did BUT we still lift!
you are 100% correct. I love the phrase from most others. You're in your mid 40's Why do you do this to yourself. Samson67 and I discuss this all the time. LOL Now that man is the Dr. of huge
Yeah i tell you man i cant deny it being a lil depressing knowing the size and strength 1 once was compared to what i am today. BUT i tell you i get satisfaction being older injuries my other shit etc like we all have yet still am bigger and stronger than most! Esp young punks 😛
I get it. I've been going rather heavy over my ego issues. Just the other day I wanted to just grab the 315 that was sitting on the ground for one deadlift I grabbed it in my hands. yanked on it a few times to feel the bar give, looked at myself in the mirror and said fuck this. I'm not going through what I did again. lol My elbows are killing me. Just started some NPP to help. I'm just old in general. I will not forget the good days lol
You could run my program. It's worked well for many of my clients and training partners. I pulled 485 for an easy 4 the other week and I've dropped around 40lbs in bodyweight (sitting around 242 now) so I'm not even efficient with my leverages since my mechanics have changed since the weight drop. Lifetime best was 675 conventional with my training and that wasn't even drugging heavily. Now, I'm just on TRT (200mg Test/100mg Deca) and I'll be back up in the 6's again at this new lighter me.

Pulling 500 isn't difficult if you train correctly. Even at your age is wouldn't be a problem as long as you don't have any serious medical conditions. My training partner is 51yo and he pulled 485 for a single easily and in the coming months he'll blow by 500. If you're interested let me know b/c I'd have to explain it to you as well send you the spreadsheet.
Only medical conditions are, most of the Labrum was shaved out from my left shoulder, with severe arthritis in the joint. (No cartilage left in that shoulder), and the right shoulder is in degradation. But, they don't really affect any pulling movements, only Push movements. Very interested!
I posted the layout with exercise selection. The exercises are what work best for me. Now, that doesn't mean these same movements will work best for you but most people have the same weaknesses (that's not always the case though).

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