Deadlift over training


Heavy hitter

Just a question. How often do you deadlift? How heavy do you go and how often? What is your recovery time. I myself find it takes me so long to recover from deadlift. If I do a max effort pull it might be 2 weeks before I can pull again. Not because it hurts but because I am weak from my pull. Even if I do a dynamic day I still need about 5 days to recover. I would love some input.
When i used to to deads i quickly learned to incorporate other moves such as heavy rack pulls to give me more recovery.
Esp with so many having back issues as is, I would do heavy deads 1x a week.
I think I have been over training and I only deadlift once a week. I think I will start doing dead lifts twice a month and alternates on the opposing weeks.
hh i usually do deads every week but one week will be high reps quick breaks (like 15-20 seconds) with what is light for me (225-275 for 15's) and the next week 6's or 8's starting at 315 365 then 405 with little longer breaks (like 45-90 seconds)and then maybe every 6th week or so i'll pyramid down 10, 8, 6, 4, 2-1. that way i don't over stress my back but still get good workouts with great pumps. ofcoarse different things work different for people but thought i would share
I am going to switch it up. Right now I'm volume training this week is ten sets of ten at 300lbs then next week I will do 18" pulls with a fat bar. Then up my percentage and hit volume again the following week. Then do speed training with releasers. That way I get volume two weeks and auxiliary lifts two weeks out of a month. This will change of course.
HH I have used the every other week protocol for a while now and I like results. Its hard for me to dl 100% every week it does take a toll no my system.
Thanks slim I think I will be a lot stronger. I have changed my training style over the years many times. It takes along time to figure out whats right for you. Especially if you don't have a coach!
I tried to go once a week, but no way. It just wipes me out. Not muscle sore, but weak as heck afterwards. I think 10-12 days is doable...... Maybe.
Camzilla said:
I tried to go once a week, but no way. It just wipes me out. Not muscle sore, but weak as heck afterwards. I think 10-12 days is doable...... Maybe.
Well Cam you are old balls!
I would still do some deads every week. Alternate workouts maybe.. week 1 heavy pull, week 2 4" block pulls. That's the nice thing about the cube, you only pull heavy once per 3 week wave.. the other days being dynamic or rep days. Hope this helps!
my lower back is injured, so i deadlift 2x per month (1x per week), and alternate heavy rack pulls 2x per month... on rack pull days, i do lighter deads as my warm ups (up to 315 or so), then start racks... the pull from the floor to knee height is what aggravates my lower back, so this is a workable compromise...
i used to do 3 x 10 or 4 x 8..... and alternate.... i have been doin hack squats and leg press lately but will prolly go back to deads soon....i hate them but its my best lift..
I rotate every wk. Rack pulls with plates 5inches off floor[much higher is a waste imho] my pr here is 770. Pull of floor standing on short bands Pr 585 plus 200lbs band tension at top. Reverse band dl, not convinced how usefull these are but we do them. Get the same weight as rack pulls, close to 800. Goodmornings followed with reverse hypers. I will do one of these exercises to a max each wk leading up to a meet. Based on these numbers I know exactly where I am.

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