death penalty for child molestors


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Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
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EG Cash
I fully support this. Wont puttem in GP here in ky they get protective custody cells. They should atleast be onthe yard if not death row with the convicts. Sick if seeing this shit on the news.

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They need to go back to public hangings. Or at least have a FOX special when they do kill an asshole.
Punishment should fit the crime IMO.. throw em in a cell with the biggest horniest lifer they've got.. let em get buttfucked for a few weeks then put em down like the dog he is.
N.O.V. said:
Punishment should fit the crime IMO.. throw em in a cell with the biggest horniest lifer they've got.. let em get buttfucked for a few weeks then put em down like the dog he is.
Throwem in a cell with me homie.
JM750 said:
They need to go back to public hangings. Or at least have a FOX special when they do kill an asshole.
Yep they should. This 4 year old wandered in this old guys apartment in the back alley. Guy holds the baby inder the water in the tub killed the lil guy. Charged with a bunch of sex charges but wouldn't go into much of that must have been really bad JM another guy drags an 8 year old boy behind a dumpster after he got off the city bus raped him. If that isn't enough some sick fuck raped a 93 year old woman. Wtf goes through these peoples heads. I'm pretty street smart I can tell feel when somethings up. Walking to the lil gas station not long ago turn the corner 2 lil girls in Catholic uniforms waiting on the bus. Some creepy looking dude turns away as soon as I turn the corner. Kids are staring straight ahead not looking right left straight forward. I stop the smallest one just looks at me I just knew. I say hey is he bothering you ? She rolls her eyes like yea..I said I wait here til your bus comes she thanked me. I ask the creep which bus he's waiting on he don't know. Bus pulls up kids get on he tries to slip off. I caught up w him toldem next time I seen him in my neighborhood I'd snap his neck I should have busted him up anyway. My lil girl is 12 she's not aloud to ride the city bus without an adult.
i believe in an eye for an eye. all that stupid teachings as a kid from the school counselor about two wrong not making a right and you wont feel any better. That is a crock of shit. I always felt better fucking them up. We had this level 3 in our neighborhood and that was less than a mile from the school. He started taking walks around the neighborhood and we took care of it to say the least.
I could not imagine something happening to one of my kids. Many people believe in rehabilitation but I don't think there is treatment for these sick individuals. Even if you call it a disease I don't believe it can be cured. I fully support either life in prison or preferably the death penalty. The children these monsters effect are scared for life. With all the repeat offenders that should be enough to say sorry times up. You fuck with a kid, you punch your ticket to hell.
I'd support it #1 if there is so much proof it's guaranteed he/she did it.
#2 that it's not a case of an 18 year old with 15 year old girlfriend.
#3 that it's actually equally enacted, men and woman, rich and poor, black or white..etc

but this already ruled unconstitutional I believe..
LittleTom said:
I could not imagine something happening to one of my kids. Many people believe in rehabilitation but I don't think there is treatment for these sick individuals. Even if you call it a disease I don't believe it can be cured. I fully support either life in prison or preferably the death penalty. The children these monsters effect are scared for life. With all the repeat offenders that should be enough to say sorry times up. You fuck with a kid, you punch your ticket to hell.
Agreed. Something going on in these peoples heads that therapy can't fix. Can't trust them in public around kids don't deserve to be on earth.
GRIM said:
I'd support it #1 if there is so much proof it's guaranteed he/she did it.
#2 that it's not a case of an 18 year old with 15 year old girlfriend.
#3 that it's actually equally enacted, men and woman, rich and poor, black or white..etc

but this already ruled unconstitutional I believe..
Your #1 reason is very valid and it's turned out that in some cases the children were not molested and so-called experts actually talked them into whatever supposedly happened. Remember the McMartin case?
All those bastards need to die. End of story. You fuck with a kid you deserve to die
Its sad they will never get better, they can't be cured.
Jinko said:
Its sad they will never get better, they can't be cured.

Exactly they can't be cured so money should stop being wasted on them..except for the amount it costs for a rope or bullet..fucking scumbags even if they could be cured do they deserve the chance?
What really pisses me off is they even get special treatment behind the fence. Why they get to check in protective custody for ? I've done time paid for the mistakes of my youth. Put them motherfuckers on the yard with the younger stronger aggressive inmates.

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