where people fall off on gh is that’s it not like test and tren and gear where you see results quick!! It takes months and month 3 is where it starts to work, not that your gonna see gains but starts to set in the body. If your looking for that muscle change and huge look, it’s 10iu plus and the sweet spot is 15-20iu.
I like taking gh threw out the day, splitting the dosage and more shots is better and can be tricky with eating, if taken near bed it will out you asleep and I find my next day I feel like bullshit for some reason and I haven’t figured out why so I stay away from the night time shots now. I have been taking gh for well over a decade, now I do cycle off of it sometimes for a break and I’m not doing 10-18iu anymore but I kept all my size as I do still do my diet programs and do a mild bulk from nov to march, but when I start cutting the gh does come back into play but just at 4-5iu threw out the day.
My schudule looks like, up at 5 take 2iu, at 11 I take another 2iu, and at 4 I will take another 1iu
Just remember it’s not like anadrol or dbol, you won’t see anything real quick