Debating saying F IT


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Going back on, I'm still on Test and EQ plus SARM
But debating going back to cut stack, throwing in Deca, and SD inject plus an oral.

Not a perfect combo BUT everything fucked up as is, plus would be getting some of the stash used..

Decisions, decisions
I would warn you just on the sides from superdrol. The lethargy is REAL. Kills me sometimes. And I get pretty irritated sometimes. Just had a lil blow up with the ole lady yesterday.
But damn....the gains on superdrol are crazy good. And they come on fast. And you know some gear you get on it and your like, damn, I know I'm on something. Well superdrol you know your on cause you can feel it all the time. It's not like some preworkout Dbol blast or Adrol blast. You just can feel it all the time. My joints do hurt on it. I cant tell if it's from the superdrol or the strength gains since I go up in the amount of weight on my sets so fast.

And as for Deca?? IMO you cant go wrong with deca. I run deca on every cycle just for the joint relief I get from it.
Lol, I didn't even think about who was posting this. Now I looked and ofcourse you are experienced with superdrol. Dang, I feel stupid now.
So decided f it.
Dropped the eq. Was gonna run vial out but ill use it next run
Test e/deca/tren e and finishing off few mls of mast e
With this finishing up the sarm
3 ius hgh a day
Superdrol inject
This will be an evolving run kitchen sink so to speak
Tren e and deca same time? One of my favorite combinations. Especially mixing aces after the first 12 weeks.
Yup and thats the plan, bringing in short ester in future
Hoping to pick up some npp actually

The SD inject im using actually has tren ace as well, think 50 mgs
I remember using a TNE/Dbol injectable I got on here. Heisnberg I think. That shit was amazing for about 3-4 hours. I used it so much I smelled like horse lineament when I d sweat.

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