Deca, EQ or both


Iron Killer
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Hey guys looking for feedback from anyone that has run Deca and EQ together. Going to use sus and thinking of using Deca or EQ or both.

Please chime in mg taken per week and results.
EQ 500mg nice slow lean gains
I've used EQ and deca before. But not at same time.
Ran that exact mix the last 8 weeks, no issues at all,'also no bloat ;D so I would say its nice mix of hormones.
Never used EQ, seems people say you need to run it a long time and at high levels, i like NPP at 600 g a week
Eq/DECA mix from Rico in the past with test e. Strength was great, hunger was about the same, but I felt hard all around, even on days off.
just finished running 300mg deca, 300 EQ, 200 tren e, 400 test e E3D. This was my best cycle ever, I would actually increase the EQ to about 500mg next go around.
I hate deca but i still run it because I love the gains from it.... I LOVE EQ prefer bold cyp.... I always run the two together..... I have to be real careful with deca because it hits me super hard always getting labs done.... Nothing wrong running the two together just make sure you get your labs done just like with anything else... tweak to your liking...
It's a good combo. I have to be careful with Deca in that it gives me a very nice set of B-cups. Have to keep my estro in check.
I like the EQ and DECA combo. Anytime I take EQ I usually like adding other compounds in the mix. Either tren or DECA don't really like it alone
I really appreciate everyone's feed back. Anyone else please feel free to chime in.
What do you think of running the EQ for 20 weeks and the deca the last 12 weeks?

Weeks 1-20 600mg EQ
Weeks 8-20 500mg Deca
i would start them at the same time personally if you start the deca at week 8 it won't kick in until 10-11 it takes me a good two weeks to start noticing much from it water retention strength gains and what not... You a are not going to see physical gains from the EQ while on deca (hunger i think is a for a lack of a better way to explain ir a rumor... ) but they synthesis from it is amazing the muscle repair and joint repair is the best stack you can get..

You could start the deca say on week 4 that way by week 8 it is kicked in fully, if you want to two step it, that is how I would do it..

I don't want to should stupid but you are going to run test with these correct??? I have to run test low with deca because the two together cause such a ruckus on my estrogen... you need to pay attention and feel them out and get labs done while on ALWAYS and have some good adex and caber

Its been so long since I have posted I don't know what I have missed just keep asking questions'
Ive run them together but prefer EQ alone.More gains in size and strength from EQ.

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