Deca for much?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Just want to add the bare minimum to help with the joints and tendons.

I don't want to add bloat or at least minimize it and also want all bloat to be gone by the time our fat boy contest picture time comes. Never messed with deca before , so I'm hitting up my EGezians!

Sometimes as low as 100mg/wk can work.
Depending on what your looking for in the long haul.
2mg per pound of body weight might work for you. Possibly start with 1 mg per pound. And see how that works for you. Jump up to 2mg if needed.
technically doses below 200 mg are considered therapeutic, id say 100 mg per week is fine for joints and actually recommend NPP as it can be used on the same days as your TRT if you're dosing twice a week. no worries about bloat and fast relief
Thanks bros..... I might start out at 150ish. And see how it goes....maybe up to 200 if the bloat isn't too bad.
Yeah was thinking npp too. Was looking to only pin once a week. But I might have to think about switching it up.
if youre on TRT and dosing once a week you should consider ever 3.5 days halving it, steady state, no huge spike all that means lower e2 conversion, less high blood pressure issues, less risk of artery hardening and lower hematacrit and hemoglobin levels
I've used npp at 250 a week and it worked great for me. I have bad elbows especially the right from yrs of pitching and I've had no issues. Before I took it I was at a point where I couldn't even pick anything up it just hurt. It's not a bad idea
misterB said:
if youre on TRT and dosing once a week you should consider ever 3.5 days halving it, steady state, no huge spike all that means lower e2 conversion, less high blood pressure issues, less risk of artery hardening and lower hematacrit and hemoglobin levels
Some very good points you bring up there. I think I will start splitting it.....thanks
yep 150mg EW is where its at for this purpose! I would do NPP as well. I am kinda phasing Deca out of my arsenal and my list.
Boltbreaker said:
yep 150mg EW is where its at for this purpose! I would do NPP as well. I am kinda phasing Deca out of my arsenal and my list.
BoltbreakerBB, I think there are alot of guys doing the same thing. The ONLY downside to npp is the lower mg dosing. I know there are some out there raising the mg. That would be great.
I get great results from npp. I like to run both with 300deca and 300nppwk.With some good test and dball.
I've used NPP as low as 100 mg to 250 mg to add to my TRT and 150 mg seems to be the right dose for me for sore joints. I went off the NPP completely and my knees and elbows starting hurting so I played with the dose to see what the min I could use while cruising and getting joint relief. Of course everyone is different but that's my experience. I think deca would take too long to start working for you to experiment with the dose. IMO, I'd start at 100 mg and if it doesn't help in 2 weeks, bump it up 50 mg till you get the desired effect.
Depends on the mg's mane! I usually keep it to 1/2 a CC. That works for me! ;D
150mg seems to be the magic number...running the same as well, been only two weeks and soreness in some nagging tendons are feeling something good. Using AY Deca 300mg at the moment, 1/2cc a week is all.
CB1 said:
I would say NPP. Its good stuff.
I thought so too, but homegrown said npp does nothing for your joints. He said Deca does because it holds water in your joints. I hope he chimes in.
Hanzo said:
I thought so too, but homegrown said npp does nothing for your joints. He said Deca does because it holds water in your joints. I hope he chimes in.
^^^ this, I had previously ran 600mg EW of NPP and it gave no relief of my joints at all, but leaned me out really well. Switched to Deca for this reason.

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