Deca Phenylprop



Substance: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Average Dose: 400 - 500mg/week (M) 100mg/week (F)
Half Life: 72 hours
Water Retention: Yes, some
Aromatization: Low
DHT Conversion:None

Durabol is a fast-acting form of nandrolone. Nandrolone is chemically related to the male hormone testosterone. Compared to testosterone, it has an enhanced anabolic and a reduced androgenic activity. This has been demonstrated in animal bioassays and explained by receptor binding studies. The low androgenicity of nandrolone is confirmed in clinical use. In the human, nandrolone has been shown to positively influence calcium metabolism and to increase bone mass in osteoporosis. In women with disseminated mammary carcinoma, nandrolone has been reported to produce objective regressions for many months. Furthermore, nandrolone has a nitrogen-saving action. This effect on protein metabolism has been established by metabolic studies and is utilised therapeutically in conditions where a protein deficiency exists such as during chronic debilitating diseases and after major surgery and severe trauma. In these conditions, nandrolone phenylpropionate serves as a supportive adjunct to specific therapies and dietary measures as well as parenteral nutrition, due to it's faster acting nature nandrolone phenylpropionate is preffered in situations where a faster clinical response is required over it's chemical variant nandrolone decaonate.
Im sitting on about 60 ml of this Im dying to try it never used this compound before.
I think you will like my blood pressure did not go as high when I used it.
trying to remember, this the shit that made my ass bloat?
I've got 50ml of this laying around, looking forward to it as well!
that would be the long ester deca grim I heard that is one side you will not get with npp
gator said:
that would be the long ester deca grim I heard that is one side you will not get with npp
gatorahh cool def bonus
I also heard mix reviews of it relieving joint pain like the long ester deca. The long ester deca really bloated me up but it was golden for my joints i hope the NPP gives my some joint support that would be badass.
I ran 700mg of npp and 1400mg of test p ew for about 12 weeks. I didnt really like it. I think alot of it was pinning ed. But had decent gains. Its just not tren.
Oh yea I love tren and I'm stacking it with the exact same compounds I stack with tren. Figured I would try this instead of tren.
Its nothing like tren aside from it has some of the prolactin sides with not nearly the benefits of tren. You could run 8 weeks of the Npp then run the next 8 weeks with tren ace. I am following my npp cycle with tren e and test e and I am fealing great strength is up size is up bf is down. I am also taking in about 7000 calories a day.
I love's great for cutting. No joint relief will be provided. I like to run it the way HH suggested. A nice stack with npp for 8 weeks followed by a nice stack with tren for 8 weeks. NPP has a half life longer than Tren ace, so you could get by pinning e3d, but I prefer eod. Stacking with winny or masteron will eliminate most any worries about lactating 🙂
Ya I think afterwords I want to run test,TrenE and EQ with growth
I've always stuck with Tren of these days gonna have to switch it up and try the Tren E

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