
same mgs in diff volumes...look at values and stability...FUCK HALF LIVES

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So if I read that right looks like a big crash around day 5-6?
WTF is this??? You know you can't post up shit like this without explaining it. Please go back to the top and explain to me what I am seeing because I am a big fan of NPP, so enlighten me bro
Every third day looks like the sweet spot for NPP, but I think you could stretch it to 4 without issue which is how I plan to run it.
Holy shit that's a big difference. Even where the deconate starts to tail off isn't far off of the 5 day npp drop. Npp wins hands down. E3d and you'll be high and fairly flat.
No that shows the prop ester taking a nose dive much harder than the deca ester which is a more gradual drop. Pretty cool graph but you should explain it more in detail.
massdig said:
No that shows the prop ester taking a nose dive much harder than the deca ester which is a more gradual drop. Pretty cool graph but you should explain it more in detail.
massdigRight, but the nose dive doesn't happen till day 5. Pin e3d or hell even EOD and the nandrolone in your body is higher at any given time than the deconate ester.
This also diffuses what bios3training said about taking one large dose of long esters a week and getting a huge spike. 4ml of deca didn't do any better on a front spike than 1ml did. I would like to see the text that accompanied this chart. This is even making half life a non topic.
So according to this when we up that deca dose we're getting very diminishing returns..
I still dont get it the results are completely different between the two compounds.. I am talking about physical results. I have ran both.... Npp keeps me pretty tight with minimal water retention. even at a 2xw inject. Deca e3d or 2xw inn does the same exact thing blows me up like a puffer fish.. And i would be willing to say I feel strong on deca than I do tren. But stronger on tren than I do nap..

Here is what I am going to keep doing because sometime when shit is not broken dont need to fix it.. I get it obviously half lives are a little more than misconstrued.. But really this is no more or less misconstrued than the other subject ( half lives). I have pinned long esters more than 2xw and I really have not noticed any more results than pinning it the normal way... I have how ever seen times when I have had better results on lower doses than I have had on higher doses... Also I have also seen better results in shorter cycles than longer cycles but then that also has to go with what was my main goal of the cycle??? there are a shit ton of variables. to many some times to try and put in their place.

It is very interesting and i am glad I have seen this now.. But I will have to do some more research on this to get a better understanding before I change my ways. Because every person is different.. IE the alkalinity in one persons body is different than another's. So that would also affect the distribution of said compounds in ones body..
This just backs up what I've been saying about Npp vs. Deca all this time! Npp is just better...
TSizemore said:
This just backs up what I've been saying about Npp vs. Deca all this time! Npp is just better...
TSizemoreBe sure to notice though that it was a 4ml injection of npp. I still think you are right but that's a big volume. Wish they showed a 1ml npp too.
RockShawn said:
Be sure to notice though that it was a 4ml injection of npp. I still think you are right but that's a big volume. Wish they showed a 1ml npp too.
RockShawnTrue, but I'm sure that's only for accuracy of measurement procedures. And, the Deca was the same size specimen.

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