DGAF cycle log



My cycle starts tomorrow. Its gonna be my first in 7 months so Im excited about it.

I will be shooting 3cc ED along with hcg 1 time EW and ghrp-6 and mod grf 1-29 3x`s ED 5 days on 2 days off. Ill be running var ED too.

My weekly amounts are:
Test Prop- 700mg
Tren Ace- 700mg
Mast Prop- 700mg
Var- 560mg
HCG- 1000ius
GHRP-6- 5.625mg (375 mcg x 3 / 5 days EW)
MOD GRF 1-29- 2.25mg (150 mcg x 3 / 5 days EW)
First pin today of 1cc test prop 100mgs, 1cc tren ace 100mgs, 1cc mast prop 100mgs
First pin of ghrp 6 and mod grf 1-29(upon waking) Will do another around lunch time and another before bed.
Took 80 mgs of var

Feel pretty good mentally cause I know the results will come fast.
Second pin of gear and 5th pin of peps today(one more to do before bed). 80mgs var also. I am starting to sweat more in the gym, have to change shirts after workout to leave the gym or Ill get my seats all wet.
That's a hell of a cycle, interested in following this one. Hit it hard!! 😉
Did my morning shot of peps. Gonna do another one around lunch time and then Ill do gear then hit the gym for chest day today and then last shot of peps at bed time. Im gonna do my first shot of hcg today at 1000ius.
Did gear shot and var before the gym and pep shot after along with hcg shot. Did last pep shot before bed. Im feeling good. I have noticed my aggression is getting higher and I am having good workouts and wanting to push heavier weights but I am holding myself back from that cause I dont want to injure myself again. All in all everything seems to be in line with where it should be at.
Gear shot and var before the gym and pep shot when I woke up. 2 more pep shots to go today.

I can definitley feel the peps after I do my shots, I get a strange feeling right after and I get hungry like I have to eat something soon. Injection site is a bit sore after I do the shots, like I can feel right where I poked myself for a day. All in all everything is good!
Did my peps this morning and felt it kick in within 15mins of injection. Gonna do gear and var and pep shot then hit the gym. Will do last pep when I go to bed. Only close to a week in but definitely have a better feeling about myself.
Saturday and sunday gear shot and var only, no peps.

Today I did my morning pep shot and my var before the gym. Gonna do my gear shot tonight and still have 2 more pep shots to go today. Feeling it all kick in good now. My libido has jumped up dramatically so I know its working. Getting alittle itchy too, not sure if its the tren or not.
My shots are the same everyday except the weekends, on those I dont do my pep shots. I will just update my progress as to how I feel and what I notice in body compostion changes.

I am feeling pretty good and I am noticing changes in how my muscles look now, they look fuller and perkier. Before I started during my 7 months off they fell to a sag and were not full at all. Its like I took an air hose and pumped them all up like you would do a flat tire.
Cycle is going good. I have been feeling good and not as lathergic as I was. I have noticed some aggression coming out, not good for the bar patrons where I bounce at lmao! I did my shot yesterday and almost coughed. I felt it coming on but it subsided. Must of just nicked a vein or something but it wasnt full blown just the symptoms that precede the dreaded tren cough. Did my shot today and its all good. I have slowed down dropping weight now too. I dropped about 12 lbs in the first 2 weeks and now I am holding steady within a few ounces up and down. So far so good.
Shot right before the gym and took var right before too. I did my peps once in the morning and once after lifting and once before bed. Felt great lifting. Had to hold myself back from trying to go heavy, dont want to hurt myself. Did hcg before bed, almost woke my wife up at 4am for a lil somethin somethin but I let her sleep and I held back the urge.
4 weeks in and noticing dramatic changes. I have lost about 20lbs and I am filling out real nice. Shoulder is coming along well, just weak still but its starting to take shape again. I had to stop the peps because I started mt2 ed and it made me feel like crap all the time, real lazy feeling and not eating hardly at all. I got some strong mt2 cause I have taken 1mg ed before and with this stuff I cant even take 1/2mg ed, and I am already getting good color from it and its only been 1 full week with 2 trips to the tanning bed at 5min a time, so 10 mins total and I got the color of someone who goes ed for 20mins lol.

Thinking of running this cycle for another 3-4 weeks then switching to long esters and doing quite a bit more in terms of mg dosage per week. I have lost enough around the waistline area to start bulking up and filling my 3XL shirts out again!
Holy crap, 20 pounds! That's great.

I'm thinking of running mt2 again. I hate the farmers tan I get in the spring.

Keep at it bro. Need pics of you ripping out of a 3xl.
Yea 20lbs was a great amount to lose in like 4 weeks. I was very happy with it and if I can stay where I am now or even lose up to another 10lbs I am good. I cant wait to blow back up, I want to be at least where I was last summer, I was a monster!
My cycle is going awesome. I am at 245lbs and leaning up quiet a bit. Strength is through the roof from where I was at before, gear is very potent! Couple more weeks and I switch over to long esters.
Yea I was thinking about posting up some pics but to stay annoymous I would have to block out most of the pics to hide revealing marks.

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