Did You Know The Source of Your Macros Should Be Prioritized?


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By: Matt Weik

It doesn’t matter what diet you’re currently following, the source of your macros needs to be prioritized. The belief that a calorie is a calorie is completely false and misleading.

Don’t allow people to feed you incorrect information and tell you that whether you consume 500 calories of fat or 500 calories of carbohydrates, that they are all created equal at the end of the day because 500 calories are 500 calories. That’s wrong. Our body breaks down, absorbs, and utilizes macronutrients differently, including the various sources within a particular macronutrient group. And for that reason, you need to be aware of the source of your macros.

Look Deeper Into Your Macro Choices​

You can even take things a step further to see the bigger picture. Even certain macros can be sourced differently. Would you rather consume a fat that contains 50g of trans fat or a fat that contains 50g of polyunsaturated fat? The trans-fat (bad fat) can potentially cause many health issues long-term while the polyunsaturated fat has many health benefits and is considered a “healthy fat.”

Again, only scratching the surface and not paying close attention to the source of your food and macros can be the difference between achieving your health and fitness goals (such as weight loss), and packing on unwanted body fat because you’re still believing old theories that a calorie is a calorie.

We are living in a time where over 60% of our population is overweight or obese. That’s a scary number. Childhood obesity is also on the rise as more and more kids are sitting at home on their tablets and phones rather than getting outside and being physically active.

Even more worrisome is the number of people who are suffering from diseases, health issues, and cancers due to poor lifestyle and nutritional choices. You don't need to be a nutritionist or dietician to wrap your arms around nutrition. It's simply a matter of understanding the source of your macros and food choices and committing yourself to make better decisions on what you put in your body.

Where Are Your Macros Sourced From?​

We already touched on fats, but we can go slightly more in-depth than we did above. You should be looking for healthy sources of fat that can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally and provide health benefits. Many people still don’t understand how important fat truly is and how it can even affect our brain (our brain needs fat to function as does everyday hormone production). Look for fat sources that are high in omegas. Look for fats in a pure form such as consuming avocados, fish, and coconuts (or coconut oil even). Utilize quick-burning medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) as an energy source to fuel your body and mind throughout the day and even while getting after it in the gym.

Using another commonly over consumed macro, carbohydrates, we again need to understand the good, the bad, and the ugly. Green leafy vegetables are your friend. They are extremely nutrient-dense and full of fiber. Utilize things like broccoli, spinach, and kale in your diet. These carbohydrates are not going to affect your blood sugar and insulin response as opposed to something like a piece of bread. Additionally, when you consume foods that are high in fiber, you will feel satiated longer after consuming those particular foods which can help prevent you from snacking throughout the day and potentially shooting your caloric intake through the roof. Again, not all macros are created equal and the source is vital to achieving success and maintaining your health.

Don’t Allow Certain Diets to Give You Excuses to Eat Junk​

For the longest time, I followed the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) diet. While I remained strict on my macro sources, I've seen, been around, and talked with people who would be eating junk all day long and using the excuse that it "fits their macros" for the day. This is irresponsible. It doesn't work that way.

Just because you are trying to hit a certain set of daily numbers for your macros, that doesn’t mean you can go out and fill up all of your carbohydrates and fats through eating bowls of ice cream.

As mentioned earlier, our bodies are extremely smart and know the difference between macro sources. It's going to break down, utilize, and even store macros differently. Filling your carbohydrates for the day through healthy vegetables is going to have a positive effect on the body as compared to filling those macros with sugar-heavy ice cream. You'll also see a difference in your energy and mood during the day.

Don’t put all macronutrient sources under the same umbrella or you will quickly find yourself disappointed in your results. Understand the source and how it affects the body and regardless of the nutrition plan or program you are implementing, fill it with healthy and nutrient-dense sources. When you do, you’ll be on your way to reaching the health and fitness goals you set out to achieve.


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