.... you asked me to provide evidence of estrogen control via usage of DIM and I did. Interesting enough, there is NO clinical research on how male steroid users control estrogen as the only studies were done on women. WTF are you thinking? All ai's and SERM's were developed for women, not men. DIM does have research supporting estrogen control in men (it also helps good estrogen that we need). That's not to say it's the strongest. Aromasin did suppress up to 84%, the highest of all ai's. On women.
The protocols for men were developed as a result of what worked for women. As a 30 year cycler (haha) you should know damn well the medical community shuns "rec steroid usage", so the real world information for men is sparse. There are 3 real world steroid cycles that were performed under strict lab conditions, using real world doses. 1 was with 600MG/week Test E for 20 weeks, one with 600mg/week Nandrolone for 16 weeks and 1 with 100mg/ed with Anadrol for 12 weeks.But you knew that. <sarc off>
If you want to know the results have your 6 year old look it up for you. It's very informative.
The protocols for men were developed as a result of what worked for women. As a 30 year cycler (haha) you should know damn well the medical community shuns "rec steroid usage", so the real world information for men is sparse. There are 3 real world steroid cycles that were performed under strict lab conditions, using real world doses. 1 was with 600MG/week Test E for 20 weeks, one with 600mg/week Nandrolone for 16 weeks and 1 with 100mg/ed with Anadrol for 12 weeks.But you knew that. <sarc off>
If you want to know the results have your 6 year old look it up for you. It's very informative.