Do cops' lives matter to Obama?


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Do cops' lives matter to Obama?
Patrick J. Buchanan

Pat Buchanan urges president to show same outrage he did with Trayvon, Ferguson

Barack Obama, as chief law enforcement officer of the United States, is going to have to stop acting like a conscientious objector in this war on cops.

Wednesday, another officer, in Fox Lake, Illinois, Lt. Charles “GI Joe” Gliniewicz, was gunned down. Last Friday, Darren Goforth, a Houston deputy sheriff, was shot 15 times by an alleged black racist.

President Obama called the widow of Deputy Goforth, but he has yet to show the same indignation and outrage he exhibited at what happened to Trayvon Martin in Florida and Michael Brown in Ferguson.

This year, 24 cops have been gunned down. And the day after deputy Goforth’s execution, “Black Lives Matter!” showed up at the Minnesota state fair chanting, “Pigs in a blanket! Fry ‘em like bacon!”

Last fall, when mobs blocked highways after the death of Eric Garner in an encounter with police on Staten Island, the hoodlum chant was: “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want ‘em? Now!”

Soon after, two cops in Brooklyn were executed in their patrol car.

Time for Obama to ascend the bully pulpit and call out the racial demagogues in the fever swamps of his own radical left constituency.

For some of the evils of the last century we thought we left behind seem to be returning, as is the old indulgence of lawlessness when done by those claiming some “grievance” against society.

Violent crime is rising again, a direct result, many believe, of a new police reluctance to be aggressive in enforcing the law, to avoid violent clashes with criminals and suspects, the so-called “Ferguson effect.”

The lead story in the Sept. 1 New York Times reported a surge in murders in the city after the Eric Garner incident, and even greater surges in Milwaukee, St. Louis, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

A closer look at the Times figures reveals something more disturbing. Chicago, a city with not half the population of New York, exceeds New York in murders this year, 294 to 208.

Washington, a city not a tenth as populous as New York, had half as many murders, 105. Baltimore, where Freddie Gray died in police custody, and six officers have been charged in his death, has had more murders this year, 215, than New York, though New York has 14 times the population.

Order Pat Buchanan’s brilliant and prescient books at WND’s Superstore.

To discover the causes of the new crime wave in America, we should reconsider what rolled back the tsunami of crime that swept America from the 1960s to the early 1990s.

One of the causes of that crime wave was simple demography. From 1962 to 1990, the baby-boom generation, largest in U.S. history, passed into, through, and out of that age cohort, 18 to 36, where crime among males is at its highest.

Second, beginning with the Reagan era around 1980, America nearly quadrupled the number of incarcerated, from 600,000 to over 2 million in jails and prisons. Muggers, robbers, rapists, killers were taken off the streets and put away for decades.

With mayors like Rudy Giuliani, hard-core criminals had the book thrown at them, and even petty crimes were prosecuted before the petty criminals graduated to worse crimes.

Cops became heroes. America’s cities became livable again.

Washington ceased to be the “murder capital of the nation.” Young people begin moving in and fixing up inner-city neighborhoods few had dared to visit a couple years before.

While we have nowhere near the murders, rapes and robberies we did in the worst decades of the 20th century, the crime rate is rising across the nation.

In D.C., restrictions on cops and a spike in crime have produced a huge vote of no confidence from the Fraternal Order of Police in once-popular Police Chief Cathy Lanier.

Cops say that aggressive methods of crime control like New York’s “stop and frisk” make cities safer. The D.C. Fraternal Order says that city leaders need to “stop sacrificing the safety of our communities … to political correctness,” and let the cops do their jobs.

Post-Ferguson, America seems to be dividing angrily over this issue of cops and crime.

The right sees America’s cops as civilization’s last line of defense against crime and anarchy. Among liberal elites and the Black Lives Matter crowd, an old notion is regaining ascendancy – cops are the problem and police are all too often the oppressors.

In the 1960s, Vice President Hubert Humphrey declared that if he had to endure the conditions of the ghetto, he “could lead a pretty good riot” himself, while Nixon ridiculed the Kerner Commission report that blamed the riots on “white racism.”

Nixon and George Wallace got 57 percent of the vote in 1968. And a strong stand for law and order helped to give the GOP a near quarter-century lock on the presidency.

The law-and-order issue is lying there again, waiting to be picked up.

Meanwhile we ought to hear from our president about who and what he thinks is responsible for all those wounded and dead cops.
FIST did you watch the movie Purge or Purge Anarchy? It shows people being able to do any crime without any type of prosecution for one night. Most chose to kill or rape.

So that's how life would be without police. People would be raping and killing one another in magnitudes on a daily basis.
The numbers show police deaths way down under Obama.
Daredevil said:
FIST did you watch the movie Purge or Purge Anarchy? It shows people being able to do any crime without any type of prosecution for one night. Most chose to kill or rape.

So that's how life would be without police. People would be raping and killing one another in magnitudes on a daily basis.

Agreed,and thats exactly why people in this country need to get their heads out of their asses and stop worrying about what CRIMINAL the cops beat up and sending videos to tmz! Go walk in their shoes and see how you feel about some crackheads or childmolestor,or rapists rights being abused!
GRIM said:
The numbers show police deaths way down under Obama.
Those numbers are BULLSHIT put out there by those that want people to believe it!!
F.I.S.T. said:

Those numbers are BULLSHIT put out there by those that want people to believe it!!
F.I.S.T.ummm no they are actual national logged numbers.

just like righties claiming obama takes more vacation, completely false...
i dont even like obama but hate lies even more
GRIM said:
ummm no they are actual national logged numbers.

Brother,they cant manipulate numbers to be whatever they want them to be.All you have to do is watch the news to see how many cops are being shot from low life scum bags.Just as they put out bullshit number on un-employment and medical care,and what ever the hell they want to blow smoke up everyones ass about on how WELL things are going now.Look outside,things arent going well.

But regardless of what they say,I'll tell you one thing on this,ONE cop getting shot from some piece of shit is TOO MUCH!! One law abiding citizen being shot from some piece of shit criminal is TOO MUCH!!
That's it its the news making it a story when before they didn't. True numbers are down, that's simply a fact
GRIM said:
That's it its the news making it a story when before they didn't. True numbers are down, that's simply a fact

Again,whether or not they are down or not doesnt matter to me.ANY getting killed by criminals is too much and the point of the story is how little regard for this there truly is from this administration! The administration has not le more protected so stating that police shootings are down in the dipshits admin just isnt meaningful.Does anyone thing police shootings are relevant to obama?? The point being,WHAT HAS HE OR HIS ADMIN DONE FOR THE ONES AND THE FAMILES OF THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN SHOT?? Thats a more relevant question?

I remember this idiot speaking out about every loser criminal that gets shot and how he absolutely did nothing to protect the innocent everytime a riot breaks out but I dont see him making any public speeches for slain officers!
He's actually called families and spoken out on the subject...

Obama doesn't do shit. Name how many families he's reached out to.

There is 1 shill above who "explains" how the murder rate goes up and down like the stock maket? Whaat?
That's bullshit. The murder rate is going up for the 1st time in 30 years. Everyone on here needs to get off their collective lazy ass and find out, from the gov't.s own stats (FBI, DOJ, CSA, etc.) just how much crime has risen since this usurper of power has came to office with his message of "reconciliation". We didn't need any. All this regime has done is make all differences even more divisive.

Obama ia a bruised pussy of a man who cannot take criticism. So there all you progressives.
How many families does any president reach out to? Sure don't remember Bush or Clinton phoning every fallen cops family or soldier.
That article also has nothing to do with the subject and even contradicts your point tbh.
Yes officers shot in last couple years is up, not even stated in your article.
Overall however they are down.
Even your article states its no crime wave more a flattening out..
GRIM said:
How many families does any president reach out to? Sure don't remember Bush or Clinton phoning every fallen cops family or soldier.
Well when the POTUS goes on National TV and decries the Grand Jury system and says he feels the perps families' pain, as well as the idiots who burn their own neighborhoods, that is sympathy for the devil.

Actually he said he understands their frustration.WTF? 95% of all murders of black males are commited by other black males. Black malkes between the ages of 18-65 (3.3%, U.S. Census Bureau) commit 50% of ALL murders (regardless of race). 85% of all interracial crime is black on white. These stats are from DOJ/FBI statistics.

Also, DOJ/FBI stats classify Mexicans as white or the white crime rate would be even lower.

Look it up if you don't believe me.
GRIM said:
That article also has nothing to do with the subject and even contradicts your point tbh.
Yes officers shot in last couple years is up, not even stated in your article.
Overall however they are down.
Even your article states its no crime wave more a flattening out..
No .... crime, especially murder, is going up for the 1st time in 30 years.
overall as in overall cop shootings under obama the point of this thread.
your article even states its simple assaults, not homicide taken into effect and numbers flattening out.
things such as crime can not dip forever.
hardly think thats a presidents blame

i have a key still not functioning 🙁
morrey said:
You are such an idiot. Never refute with debate or statistics. Another uneducated idiot going through the motions of "higher learning".
morrey said:
You've devolved into nothing except a troll morrey. No stats, no links to buttress your inane assertions. Too many "Gender Studies" getting to you?


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