Doc told me bad news...blood work. Need the bros advice!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
BP pressure high, bad cholesterol is high, good cholesterol is low. Doc has me on lisinopril for BP just hadnt taken it this morning. Think thats why it was high. She also told me my thyroid was crashed and havnt taken t3 for a couple months.

********She told me if I keep on track and dont get my shit in check that I will have a heart attack with in 5 years*********

My question is this. Ive just started blasting one week in. What effect does tren have on cholesterol?

Obviously my diet needs to change to low fat. No red meats or cheese anymore. More balanced and fish/turkey for protein.

What do the bros recommend? Drop all compounds down to trt dose?

Input please?
Damn! TBH I'm the same boat for the most part on Cholesterol. My family has a history of cholesterol disorder.

Here's some suggestions:

1. High Fish Oil - 10000mg
2. Niacin - 2000mg
3. Use Aromasin as AI as adex can jack your LDL/HDL
4. If you can give blood regularly to get RBC down
3 grams of EPA and DHA daily, green tea, and alcohol (of course 1-2 drinks, never get drunk)
RockShawn said:
Damn! TBH I'm the same boat for the most part on Cholesterol. My family has a history of cholesterol disorder.

Here's some suggestions:

1. High Fish Oil - 10000mg
2. Niacin - 2000mg
3. Use Aromasin as AI as adex can jack your LDL/HDL
4. If you can give blood regularly to get RBC down
Also good recommendation except for the fish oil. Omega 3s are highly reactive and when oxidized can cause DNA and other cellualr structures. Having a high intake of omega 3s will increase the rate of oxidation
Same here bro, here's how I fixed my cholesterol/triglycerides, BP, and elevated liver enzymes.

Per day...
20mg Lisinopril
3 Fish oil caps per meal (Kirkland brand/Costco)
2 Caps Lecithin Concentrate (Walmart)
1 TBS Macnut Oil
2 tablets Liv 52 Double Strength (am/pm)
3 grams DMG (Dimethylglycine)

Tren will jack up both BP and cholesterol even at lower doses. Doing the above made a vast improvement on my bloodwork.
srilankanmuscle said:
Same here bro, here's how I fixed my cholesterol/triglycerides, BP, and elevated liver enzymes.

Per day...
20mg Lisinopril
3 Fish oil caps per meal (Kirkland brand/Costco)
2 Caps Lecithin Concentrate (Walmart)
1 TBS Macnut Oil
2 tablets Liv 52 Double Strength (am/pm)
3 grams DMG (Dimethylglycine)

Tren will jack up both BP and cholesterol even at lower doses. Doing the above made a vast improvement on my bloodwork. could drop down to TRT, and take a break for a little bit.
i would drop to TRT dose (real trt dose too not 500mg a week like

your health and life are much more important than being jacked and tan.. or benching a house , in my opinion.

T3 may have screwed your thyroid up..(just guessing as i'm no expert here)
Sometimes our vanity gets in the way of seeing the big picture....... your life and overall health. If the doc says your on the fast track to the grave, give it a break and get the bloods back on track. That'll give you many more years to work on that look we all desire! JMO
It'll take less than 6mths to get straightened out..............just saying
sportsfreak said:
Sometimes our vanity gets in the way of seeing the big picture....... your life and overall health. If the doc says your on the fast track to the grave, give it a break and get the bloods back on track. That'll give you many more years to work on that look we all desire! JMO

^^^^Sportsfreak nailed it^^^^ take a break and get your health back on track
Your thyroid will return to normal, unless you have a pre-existing condition. I've been on and off t3/t4 for years and mine always returns to normal after a few weeks/months. The thyroid is a very robust organ. There are several studies out there that prove no permanent damage from using t3. It takes time, and everyone is a bit different.
I actually went through a heart cath last year because my bloods were so bad. I got put on 2 grams fish oil, 2 BP meds, cholesterol meds.
Blood work last month showed everything normal.
Thanksfor the replies everbody, itsgood to know that bros like you are here when needed. As you cam immagine im pretty bumbed about comming off especially right when im starting to feel it, muscles are getting very full and strength is better than ever. but reality is i have a family and kids and if im gonna fuck around i need to do it as safe as possible.

im already supping fish oil,nac, grape seed, hawthorn berry and all that good shit. just pickedup some niacin, and ive been donating blood regularly all year so far. im going to drop everything down to 200mgs cyp a week and get my bloods regular and body healthy. the whole pointof this blast was to cut anyways, what good would that be since my thyroid is crashed, right? doc said if blood today come back with crashed thyroid that shes going to put my on thyroid meds. so im just goingto cut on a cruise, then when my body is good and ready then ill probably do a nice bulk. i might possibly add in some hgh right now though to help with some rehab healing process, what do you guys think?


as of now im going trt, with a low fat diet adding in the propper sups and cardio 5x a week focusing on cutting and getting healthy, possibly adding in some gh with the cruise. im not going to go nazi on my protein, just gonna do 200-250 grams ed to keep maintenance on my lbm.

thanks guysfor allof your support and help, i greatly appreciate it.

How old are you bro? Why not get off and do a pct. if your over 35 trt is the way to go IMO anyway.

I wouldn't add and hgh either. Save it for when your healthy.
Re: Doc told me bad news...blood work. Need the bros advice!

Buck said:
How old are you bro? Why not get off and do a pct. if your over 35 trt is the way to go IMO anyway.

I wouldn't add and hgh either. Save it for when your healthy.
Buck im 32. I would much rather cruise then take clomid and pct. Hgh was just a thought because the sidesnare minimal and it would be good for the tendonitis. But just cruising is probably best, just keep it simple.
Sucks bro to have to stop early definitely just cruise for now until your better better to be healthy. I read in a book the cholestrol wont attach itself unless you have clogged arteries something like that. You'll be better soon

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