does the alcohol evaporate?



So if it was much of an issue im sure it would have been addressed by someone. I was thinking of some recipe calculations the other day, and wondering if , and how much of the benzyl alcohol is likely to evaporate when hot oil is added to it? Or for those that zap theirs in a microwave with a vent pin to reconstitute crashed gear, do you think you lose a litle alcohol each time? That could be part of why some people have a problem getting crashed gear to ever "come back". I was thinking that if there is any validity to this i might try brewing about .5 percent more ba than actually needed, and if it makes no difference in pip then sticking with that, especially if its gear i might keep around for a long while.
BA amounts are touchy. There is fine line between no pip and hella pip. 2-3% should be sufficient with none to very little pip. But you have a good point about the alcohol evaporating. Id say the biggest problem with gear lately is that it was exposed to cold temps on the delivery and that is never a good thing. Especially if it sat in a mail truck over the weekend. Seems like crashed gear issues only happen dec-feb.
I don't think much BA does evaporate when brewing. This all depends on the temps and methods though. You can pre heat the oil to just over the melting point of the hormone and then add the powder. Stir and maintain temp until the oil and powder are fully integrated, then allow to cool to approx 50 - 70 degrees Celsius then add you BB and BA, You can even add the BB at around 80-90 Celsius. This should prevent any BA from evaporating.

I also think that once gear has crashed it usually wont stay stable no matter how many times you heat it because it wasn't made well enough in the 1st place.
The above method will actually produce a gear that should hold better in colder conditions.
Also, alcohol starts evaporating at 170 Fahrenheit or about 77 degrees celsius.
leave it in the open and see. it will evaporate with out heat.

like swamp said most gear crashes during the cold weather

I add the BA after i finish brewing right before i filter it.

That way I'm sure is all there

Stick to 2% of BA less pain.
also there shouldn't be any crashing unless you doing high dosed gear.

I know of two labs in another forum that don't use BA
me i take the little pain i get from BA cause that way it stays sterile in the vial for longer periods of time

If you add 5% it will have a strong bite. maybe to the point you might not want to use it.
chris0 said:
I also think that once gear has crashed it usually wont stay stable no matter how many times you heat it because it wasn't made well enough in the 1st place.
The above method will actually produce a gear that should hold better in colder conditions.
Don't agree at all. Some gear crashes because of the concentration, especially if EO isn't used. I've brought back high mg Tren and Masteron that had zero EO in it and it was fine (super smooth when not using EO). Believe me, if you can brew gear without using EO, and it holds in normal conditions, you're a master brewer.

I do agree with Swamp that gear usually seems to crash Dec. - Feb., because of adverse conditions (i.e.- having a room temp that's too cool).
Hanzo said:
Don't agree at all. Some gear crashes because of the concentration, especially if EO isn't used. I've brought back high mg Tren and Masteron that had zero EO in it and it was fine (super smooth when not using EO). Believe me, if you can brew gear without using EO, and it holds in normal conditions, you're a master brewer.

I do agree with Swamp that gear usually seems to crash Dec. - Feb., because of adverse conditions (i.e.- having a room temp that's too cool).
You are right i can make ya some test 1000 and it wont crash at all during transportation in summer time.
but in winter it will arrive crashed

By re-heating the gear all you doing is taking the crystal in this case will be the hormone back to a liquid state.
and it will work the same.
it has nothing to do with not been brewed right or not.

when you making the gear is a heating process some use more then others.
so i can take some test c 350 that is crashed heat it up and pin it and it will work the same if you had test c with guaiacol and EO ..

Now if i make gear and it keeps crashing then it's time to lower the dose or use super solvents and super carriers
i could go in depth about this but then again it's boring and no body is going to read it anyways.

But chris0 if you need any help with brewing brother let me know.
I'm here for anyone that wants to get into brewing
it sure wills ave you tons of $

But also fucking up a batch will cost you thousands of dollars.
most people only see the savings
I don't think you lose enough alcohol to have to over compensate for it. If you added 2% at the start and by the finished product it was say 1.7% I don't think the sterilization abilities are diminished at all.

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