Don't Panic


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Wanted to take a moment to use kinda a shitty experience to perhaps help someone out. I took a shot of one and a half ccs of test suspension 75mgs/ml in my delt the other day. I usually only go about one cc in the delt but thought whats an extra half. Did all my usual sterile prep and stuck in a 25 gauge 1 inch pin. I pushed and it did not want to go. So I pushed harder and it went fast. Hurt like a bitch and I slapped a band aid on it and went to the gym. It hurt the rest of the night and into the next day. Got home from work the next day and this is when things got interesting....

I went to the rest room and I looked at my arm, it was bright red down to my elbow. I rolled up my shirt and looked at it holy shit if my arm was not the brightest sunburn red ever and hot to the touch. Not to mention I had a golf ball size knot below my delt and my upper tri. Now even a couple years ago I may have hit the panic button or started an "do I have an infection thread." I did start to question my loading, prepping and injection technique. It was the same as always and is as cautious as I can make it.

Some things to keep in mind. It was Test suspension, I did not have a fever, it was only one day post injection. All signs pointing to a few things. Bad reaction to the test, and what I believe happened, leakage. I gave it a few days and it got redder the following day but the pain began to subside. I never ran a fever and even the redness spread a bit, there was never the tell tale signs of an abscess because it only lasted a couple days.

I massaged the hell out of the knot and used a heating pad to help and I did not panic. Its completely fine now. I am sharing this because I have seen so many posts over the years of guys having this experience and running off to the ER or posting panic stricken write ups about "what should I do." Sometimes a guy just needs to sit back, look at the facts and wait a few days. I never rule out an infection but all signs pointed to something else even though I had redness, swelling and heat. Just wanted to share this in case someone else has the same experience and starts to freak.
that leakage has turned me red many times... down to my knee from a thigh injection.... down my arm like yours...etc...

there are many things that can cause an injection to have pain... when i do sub q injections and hit a vein.. i will see the bruising... so when i do an intramuscular injection...if i hit the vein deep in you won't see the bruise , but you will probably feel it.

i agree ..after you been at it a while you learn not to panic... there are nerves , veins , etc. and we are jabbing 1.5 needles in there is always a chance of a painful injection
I bought fish antibiotics once because I thought I had an infection in my quad. Fuck test prop, never again lol.
I pinned just over 1mL of Test Prop in my quad yesterday. Never had issues before with the gear. Some reason it hurts like a bitch, can barely walk and feel like dragging my leg.

So I took half of a 325/10mg oxycodone and boom the pain is gone temporarily.

So gents I know how excruciating the pain can be. Best of luck to those in pain at times.
Thanks for sharing. I too have this happen with shoulder injections. MY range of motion and flexibility is not good causing me to move the pin around when performing a shoulder injection.
HAH HAH HAH!! I did the SAME thing in my bicep, red past my elbow. Eventually the red moved down my arm and faded out.

I never really isolated the exact cause either. Just chalked it up to a bad pin. Try using a 25g x 5/8" next time. 😉
Pain happens, Swelling and red hot injection sites happen sometimes. I have had baseball size knots that were red and hot to the touch but no fever that have lasted a week. Several times I have considered going to the doc but so far it has always worked out ok after giving it time. I honestly don't know why it happens sometimes but so far I have been able to work through the pain. BUT if you experience a fever with those symptoms get checked out asap..
Good post. I've had something similar happened before and not panic. Quad shot that left me crippled for a week and the redness spread.
Like you said looked at the facts.
This happened to me when I was testing some gear from an old source here. Would inject in my quad, then it would swell up and my knee would get stiff and I had tons of pain, even had so much liquid in my knee it felt like a saggy water balloon. But no ifection, just something wrong with the brewing process is what I boiled it down to.

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