Dorian Yates blood and guys


Vino 1

Anyone ever used this program? I'm about to start it. He does 1-2 warmup sets then only one working set with one minute between sets and exercises.
I've done it many times. Love HIT. Great program, great method. If you've got any questions let me know. A good read on HIT is called High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way. Be sure to check it out.. if I can find the ebook I'll post it here.
If you look on YouTube for blood and guts 1996, you'll find videos of the actual routine he used. Its pretty similar, just expanded.
N.O.V. said:
I've done it many times. Love HIT. Great program, great method. If you've got any questions let me know. A good read on HIT is called High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way. Be sure to check it out.. if I can find the ebook I'll post it here.
Awesome thank you brother. While I'm not trying to bulk per se, I am trying to gain muscle and lean up a good bit. At 190pds now would like to get to 200pds at a very low body fat.
N.O.V. said:
If you look on YouTube for blood and guts 1996, you'll find videos of the actual routine he used. Its pretty similar, just expanded.
N.O.V.He also has it on which is where I saw it. Same thing I wonder?
I did it for 6 weeks very strict and pounded the weight with it. Dorian was an intensity freak. I did get very sore joints due to the way I trained with that program cause I was pushing everything to failure at the heaviest poundage I could in the working sets. My son and I did it together so I always had a spotter. Im not sure if Dorian is well liked on this board but I like his intensity.
It'll definitely put lean mass on you.. make sure you eat to recover. Always do your negatives, and take rest days seriously. You'll be sore. The blood and guts trainer on is a little different than the original. I would watch both.
Vino I think the HIT training is a sound plan but remember you my need to Taylor it to you. Dorian and all the other elite pros are genetically gifted athletes. That have above average abilities to grow muscle even doing the same stuff we do. In my opinion trying to do his exact routine may not suit you the best. But give it a try and see what happens bro my be just what you need. Like I said the concept is sound but tailoring a program for you baised off his methodis a good ideal too. Just my two cents.
IMO, to fully understand the concept of HIT, it's important to read Mike Mentzer's work. He was Yates mentor, and is the basis of this program. It goes against all conventional thought, that more is better. The right amount is better, not necessarily more. HIT was created for the average Joe.. not the genetically gifted. That's why there's extra rest days and brief intense workouts. Everyone should try it once, definitely a nice change to traditional high volume work.
Got big and thick, but i was so beat up after 10 weeks of it.
Jinko said:
Got big and thick, but i was so beat up after 10 weeks of it.
It's definitely exhausting to your body and cns. I would definitely warrant a deload week after the each six.
I watched some of mike mentzer stuff and now I'm a lil confused!
Confused about what? They have a few different theories on varying things, but basically the same principle.
Vino, are you still using this program? I'd like to hear your feedback!
Nov ill be honest. I've had some issues arise past few weeks I've been barely making it to the gym. Also I decided that because I work out alone everyday this would be a difficult program to do without a spotter. So starting tomorrow I am reevaluating my goals and goin to start from there. Sorry for not updating
Understood brother. We all have that issue from time to time. I agree, it would be a relatively difficult program without a spotter. You can implement the Smith rack though. That's what I always did when training alone. Hope all gets back to normal for you!

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