EG Interview #1 Krustus.


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
LT: Alright EG, it’s been a bit since I have done an interview here. I am really pleased to have the first one back be with a veteran member here who is well known to all of you and is well versed not only about EG but this lifestyle in general. He has recently gone through a fantastic transformation and he is a person I am honored to call friend, Krustus.

LT: You’ve been here almost since the beginning of the current EG, tells us a little bit about how you found your way here and who brought you.

Krustus: i was a regular on (BOP) brotherhood of pain... rockshawn invited me over to EG... EG was so different in the way it was laid out that i only checked in now and then... Then the whole BOP blow up...and a bunch of us moved to EG. Haven’t been back to BOP since. i love the security measures EG offers...encrypted pm's... even place orders over pm...

LT: Most of us know about your wife (wink, wink) and that you dabble in computer graphics. What’s family life away from EG and run us through a typical day at the Krustus house.

Krustus: well i work in graphics all day at my job.. also airbrush bikes occassionally.
but 3-4 days a week i get up about 4:30 to hit my home gym by 5... get it out of the way so nothing can vcome up later in the day to stop my gym time. it's been a good thing for me... keeps me consistent.
i do almost all of the cooking i get food ready when i get home and the wife hits the workout. like i tell folks wife is just for looking
i love being a husband and a father... the love of a good wife and children is something that can't be topped.

LT: It’s clear to see how import fitness and lifting is to you. Have you always been into lifting and at what age did you really start to get into it?

Krustus: Yes always into it somehow... started some lifting as a teen... tried jogging in my twenties.. ended up about a 140 lbs... realized that wasn't what i wanted to look like. so by my mid twenties i was hitting the gym with the 5 day split...6 meals a day,,etc.. put on 25-30 lbs that first year or so.... but didn't add another 5 lbs of muscle the next 15 all natural ...muscle is hard to come by....

LT: I believe you train alone for the most part. What do you use for motivation on those days when you just don’t want to do it. Any songs that just get that blood flowing?

Krustus: That's a really good question... no songs really... but honestly seeing pics of some of the really jacked dudes on EG is one of my biggest sources of inspiration. They are more real than some pro fitness guy on Instagram ... i saw misterb go from pretty jacked to super jacked and the real steps it took to do it... was very inspiring.

LT: Any childhood or current idols that have driven you towards your goals. Who are the people you see now that you try to emulate in lifting and in life.

Krustus: Like you ... i love Stallone... even now he's ripped.. hope i can keep at it like he has.
Gregg Plitt... i would love to look like that... probably couldn't maintain his level of leanness year round though.

LT: Is Mrs. Krustus supportive of your training?

Krustus: Yes she is and always has been very supportive... and the fact that she cares about fitness too really helps us push each other... but she can't stand for me to give her training she takes me saying "stiff legged dead’s work your hams and ass" as me saying her hams and ass look
her having good eating habits is so nice... I see people where one of the spouses doesn't care at all about nutrition or training and it seems so hard to be in it alone...

LT: Give us some insight into your training and diet philosophies.

Krustus: it has really evolved over the years... i basically follow IIFYM..flexible dieting.. Prioritize calories and protein intake. I eat just 2 meals a day most days with maybe a small snack... just easier to fit into a busy family lifestyle...and larger more filling meals.
i know most in the community still buy into 6 meals a day etc... but eating this way was a big game changer for me... allowed me more freedom ..especially at dinner with the family. If I know we are going to a party or special occasion I try to get in most of my protein in that first meal and maybe a shake and be able to take in 1500 cals at the get together and still hit my targets... like I said total calories and protein are the main things.
I was following a high frequency full body 4-6 days a week routine...was incredible at getting strong as hell.. think about it ... I was benching (never to failure) 5 days a week... 5 x 52 weeks puts you training that move over 250 times in a year!... you are gonna get good at it... it's like practicing working out. so I was also squatting and doing chins that many times too! ... without the gear I’m not sure I could have kept doing it like that.. but close... just would have to be a little more reserved with it than I already was.
but after i tore my pec in a water sports incident I moved up in reps and an upper and lower body split ... 2 upper days a week and 2 lower.
The main advice i give nowadays is it's gonna be a longer journey than you would ever believe....especially seeing dramatic transformations in magazine ads etc... get ready to live this way the rest of your life... embrace the it's always a gonna be a journey... you will never be satisfied.
also when someone ask me for fitness advice... my first question to them is..."are you scared of needles!"

LT: At what point did you start to get the feeling you wanted to take things to the next level (gear) and what was that like?

Krustus: about age 40.. I decided I wanted to get in better shape.. was working pretty hard and realize things weren't working like they once did.... decided to go to the dark side.
Got some test...ran it at 500mg a week.. blew up... but looked pretty puffy and was still pretty fat too. decided lower test would be my way from there on... a great decision... my next cycle was NPP and mast e with a trt dose of test... way better cycle and decided I really like masteron! as a mood and libido booster it's one of my faves... run it as high as i can afford on blast...900mg a week a lot of times.

LT: A lot of us started out down the pro-hormone road and graduated to the big leagues. Was that the case with you as well or did you jump in head first?

Krustus: Hell yes!... some of those prohormones wee real steroids labeled as a prohormone so they could be sold... i was a prohormone expert for a while... phera plex and some 4ad was my favorite... superdrol...M1T ...were too rough... halodrol was good too... epistane is good winny...maybe stronger... of course it kills your HDL

LT: Tell us about the first cycle. Where you nervous, what was it (and who), how long did you spend researching, and what were your overall thoughts?

Krustus: Very nervous... sending mney western union... afraid i would lose it... then afraid i would get busted if it showed up... then... is it real.. ..etc... it was Parsifal off BOP.. and looking back it was fairly painful... it was test 300
and i'm a research nut i put in a lot of time studying... but still nothing beat real world experience... so I went with the test only first cycle and at 500mg a week. Learned a lot after that... I didn't like test only.. and giving yourself shots was kind of freaky.
i tried EQ next cycle... decided after reading that I would frontload... did 2.5 cc in each thigh... thought i was gonna need a wheel chair the next learned how bad PIP could be.

LT: After that first cycle did you know you were a lifer or were there reservations? I know some guys struggle with the moral aspect of it. What’s it like for you?

Krustus: I knew I was a lifer... after 40 ... the juice made my sex life and lifting life so much better! I wasn't gungho about injections all the time... but test undecoante has got me down to one a week most of the year
Moral issues... no worries... legal issues...still worry. it's a controlled substance and the consequences for me and my family could get very real... I weighed that against the benefits and decided to live with the risk... I get lax from time to time with security... hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass one day

LT: Does your wife know about your usage. This has been a hot button topic on the boards for years. Tell your wife, don’t tell your wife… What’s your take?

Krustus: I couldn't imagine hiding it from her...we are so close... but it is still a risk... one day things could change and she has the real dirt on me... but her finding out I have been hiding would be bad I live with that risk.
I have never cheated and treat her like a queen.. so maybe she won't have a reason to fuck me famous last words I know!

LT: As you have progressed through the years has your philosophy on cycling, i.e., amounts, lengths, type of compounds changed? What is your typical now and what are your current goals and how does your age play into them?

Krustus: my age is always a factor so I don't push my luck with juice or even in the gym... just tried tren for the first time recently... not sure if I will do it again... I 'll probably stick with one real blast a year... NPP and mast e probably. probably will never use any oral compounds again... if I was a competitor I’m sure i would need to do more ...but to be just the jacked old guy at the gym...I don't have to take too many risk
in the gym i have to be careful... I don't actually touch my chest on bench... no dead hang during chins... trap bar deadlifts instead of regular...etc...

LT: You just finished up your first Tren cycle and made some great progress. What are your thoughts on Tren? As good as everyone says or take it or leave it.

Krustus: take t or leave it got slightly better gains than my normal NPP and mast e cycle... but those daily shots suck ...and it's a little more harsh so maybe I would run it in the last few weeks of a cutting cycle...maybe?

LT: What was it like getting that lean and how hard was it for you to stay true your game plan in terms of diet and training. Do you like your new lean look or do you prefer a bulkier more muscled look?
Krustus: LEAN!!! That’s where it's at for me... my only real goal these days... and my wife loves it!
the diet was not terrible but very tedious and like constant monitoring of your intake can get real old... I made sure to hit my calorie goal first thing... then next importance was protein... I only shot for 160g a day got more sometimes...tried not to get less.. but a diet is a deficit and a deficit for a good period of time ... and it takes determination for sure... I can't imagine what some of these competitors go through get to stage level lean.
I’m trying to reverse diet back up to my new maintenance level... it's harder than the diet!!!...once you add some food want to add more food!!!!

LT: What’s your advice to someone just getting ready for their first cycle?

Krustus: if they are doing the classic test only and at over 250mg a week get ready to search for the right dose of estrogen blocker.... that is the hardest thing in this game for me... if I get my estrogen balance right everything is so good!... and it's different for everyone... and seems to change sometimes for me as the years go by.

LT: You recently went through a pretty serious injury. Tell us what that was like and give us your mind set through the process. I know some guys get depressed but you seemed to bounce back pretty quickly. Ever any thoughts about hanging it up?

Krustus: never thought of way... still get depressed some over it but then realize all the things I have to be thankful for and there are guys with no legs still hitting the gym... and it's not like a terminal illness... it's a torn pec... suck it up old man and do whatever it takes!
I hate that I was stupid enough to ride a faulty tube behind a very fast boat and got myself hurt... forgot how old I was I guess... but in the end it really only effects my flat bench... I went from doing 365 with no doing 205 because I’m scared to push it.

LT: I’m gonna shift gears here a bit. You have been at EG for a bit now, tell us some of your most memorable moments and maybe a time or two you struggled to keep quite.

Krustus: you know I have avoided most of the but I have had an issue or 2... me and Torres had a go at each other one time over my wife’s but we calmed down and are cool now... me and Grim have disagreed... but in the end I like the semi uncensored nature at EG... not full blown anything goes like but
I think people take this internet stuff too serious sometimes...

LT: A couple things you would do to improve EG (besides get rid ok tk).

Krustus: a while back we were discussing how negative reviews always seemed unwelcome... like before joker went bad... if you said anything about him you would be flamed pretty good... I hope the negative reviews are at least allowed to voice opinions without ridicule and threats.
I wish the recent unread post page was easier to find too.... lol... I didn't see it for my first year at EG at least... when I found it... it was a game changer... that's when EG became my home

LT: I know you have to keep up with that young wife of yours, how long do you see yourself doing this for. Do you think there will come a time when you hang up the anabolics and if so what factors are going into that decision?

Krustus: trt will probably always be part of what I do... if I can maintain my current level of muscle and leanness on trt only....I would not blast again..(i but healthy and jacked ..That’s what I want

LT: I have to bring it up.. Mrs. Krustus has a pretty fair size following on this board. How did the two of you get together?

Krustus: Man I will try to describe how she is but you guys will think I’m lying... how a woman can look like she does and be all that she is and do all the things she can do... it's amazing... she just decided one day to learn to play piano ...within a year... play classical pieces that would make your jaw drop.... decided she was gonna do a youtube channel on makeup... learned all the video software ... editing.. Camera got some videos on there now with over 300,000 views.. ..There is nothing she is not capable of doing if she is interested.
I saw her in a local restaurant bar... and decided to just go up and talk to her and we just hit it off immediately.

LT: It’s that time of year and the country could not be more divided. Trump or Hilary?

Krustus: Oh god!!!... it's scary.... i'll probably not vote... the system is broke

LT: What are your thoughts on this racial tension that seems to be sweeping across the nation?

Krustus: i try to be open minded... I’m not black...don't know what it's like to be black... but I know rioting and shooting cops is fucked up...

LT: If we got a look at your song play list what are we gonna find on there?

Krustus: a lot of hair bands and gay 80's music

LT: Where would you like to be in the next five years not only in lifting but in life?

Krustus: lifting wise...would just love to maintain what I have right now... with family and wife... would love to find more free time to do more things with them...

LT: joebad wants to know what it’s like to be out with such an attractive wife.

Krustus: most of the time it's great.... I look like the luckiest guy... and for the most part people are respectful... I don't mind some flirting or checking her out as long as they don't act an ass. It is great that almost everywhere we go I got pretty close to the hottest woman there...

LT: Any last words Krustus?

Krustus: it's not how hard you can hit...its how hard you can get i love that Stallone line.. and most everything is about the journey... the destination is not as important and is fleeting... you learn so much on the journey... learn to embrace the journey.
And I am flattered and honored that I would even be considered a worthy interview... I hope I gave some useful and semi entertaining info...

LT: Thanks so much for doing this krustus. Really informative and a great peak into your life and ideas. I am sure everyone appreciates the thought and detail you put into this, I know I do.
Well that wraps up the first interview and after shaking off the rust I hope to more in the future if you guys are interested. Again a big shout out to Krustus for making my job easy and giving us a great interview. Thanks EG.
Good stuff! Thanks LT and krustus.
Damn, that was seriously one of the best interviews I've read, and I mean on both sides. Well done!
Awesome man i LOVE these
Great Job! It's always neat to find out the diverse backgrounds and motivations that drives us to play this game we are in. Can't wait to read another soon.
Great interview LT.
Krustus thank you for sharing a little bit of your life with us.
Good stuff LT...Krutus is a good man have always admired his dedication to safe low dose cycles with more emphasis on diet and training. That important to remember especially as we get older.
Thanks again guys. I enjoy getting the opportunity to do these and appreciate the time and energy everyone puts in. Definitely a collaborative effort.

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