End of domestic gear?


Jacked Immortal
EG Auction Sniper
EG Cash
I copied this post from another private forum I am on. This was posted a couple days ago. The thread started by a member getting his adex seized by USPS and receiving a strange letter on his door.

"U.S. Postal Inspection Service’s Contraband Interdiction and Investigation Group received fresh funding this year. They also were given access to ATF resources and were given space in a few fusion centers.

The opioid epidemic has increased scrutiny on domestic parcels especially when sent express. Starting in 2016 the PI service began resource sharing with a few three letter agencies. If you look at seizure rates in the PI annual report you will see that during that time domestic parcel seizure went up 750%. To make matters worse at the beginning of 2019 the national forensics lab in Dulles, VA as well as 22 other evidence processing facilities throughout the us were given brand new package imaging hardware and postal inspector agents were required to attend a 45 hour block of fresh training on new technologies and methods for identifying suspicious or dangerous parcels.

The office for the postal inspector general also announced that in conjunction with over 150 law enforcement agencies this year they will be more than tripling their mobile mail screening events. In 2018 they held around 10 of these events screening an average of 26,000 parcels. Dhs’s national operations center has also pledged its help over the next few years.

I work for ATF and our office is literally right next to DHS and the PI service also is here regularly using the shared resources of the fusion center. I can tell you with certainty that by 2021 you won’t be getting shit through USPS."
That’s what the note said on his door
No I don't think thats what the note said. The post didn't say anything about the note. Another member chimed in and wrote that.
I made a post on how to be safer when shipping domesticity. The information was gathered from people I know that work for USPS, LE, and NSA. Amazing how many vendors still don’t follow what I posted. Vendors right on this board.
Shit is going on though, I guess someone snitched somewhere and basically Domestic sources won't have Powder sources anymore. But I think it will pass like always.
been going on for ages BUT the huge part is people still so lax on security.
Boards alone, are so unsecure its a joke yet it doesnt stop the masses from signing up

Every few years a big bust, people scurry like rats, but in the end as always security doesnt mean shit convenience does
Sticky in general discussion
Well said G!!!
Security is very important , especially with what we do. So I give thanks , as I always did to Grim, for actually putting members in a nice secure board where we can get what we need and feel safe.
Thank You Brother !!!
But what about the vendors on here that are on other boards to aint that still kinda a risk?
never can get rid of all risks, vendors bear the brunt of the risk themselves.
just have to try to minimize it
So what you think vendors will do if ups will be to risky cause I heard it will be very hard my 2021, we should get some vendors on here and see what they have to say about everything going on
These type of threads have been going on for years. I wouldn’t sweat it a bit.
I hope not I think we just need to make it low key when sending shit haha I remember when I had to order over seas cause it was hard to find stuff in the USA at the time, it came in a teddy bear I was so pissed off I thought I got robbed and gave it to my dog lol the next day their was vials on the floor with a ripped up teddy bear lol
Ya I don’t know if anyone remembers oscaro he had some clever stealth not that it really matters if your pack gets searched there finding it. I hate international ordering but got damn those little 1ml snap top glass omnadren 250 vials were worth it
Ya I don’t know if anyone remembers oscaro he had some clever stealth not that it really matters if your pack gets searched there finding it. I hate international ordering but got damn those little 1ml snap top glass omnadren 250 vials were worth it
My first tren cycle was fina I made and the sust amps from oscaro. He had some great gear. You can still get amps from some companies if you really want some let me know. I can point ya in the right direction
I never got to try any amp stuff my buddy did and he blew up, think it was balken or whatever

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