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Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Last two days this board has went from a family oriented brotherhood to a free for all shit talking match.

Seriously the foolishness needs to stop. Back and forth name calling, ranting, members disrespecting other members and mods.

I just checked another board where TMM isn't even a vendor there but there's a copy and paste thread from T-Bar there about TMM scamming/bunk gearing. Seriously?

I'm also just curious how some of the same members who want TMM gear tested never even ordered from him before?

Never has he gotten a complaint or negative comment here but all a sudden his stockpile is questionable? Because a member who joined in 2013 and disappeared for 2 years comes back and praises TMM about being his best friend and shit then he becomes a disgruntled customer?

Where the fuck have you been for 2 years T-Bar? I've been here nearly a year and make posts every day because this is my home. My go-to place to get away from bullshit in my life and many of these guys here are my friends. Many of us go above and beyond to help each other out. But the drama needs to stop.

T-Bar I had respect for you dude but it's really starting to decline because of this foolishness. Your starting to look like your going to go onto Google and make a full review on TMM.

TMM sent money to whatever name you gave him. He went above and beyond. It's not his fault you can't get the cash. It's your fault. God forbid he gets busted trying to send you a refund and then the ship goes down with other members in it. Now I could understand if he fucked you over and sent newspaper in a box instead of gear. But damn bro, seriously. I've lost thousands in the past. But I'm not bitching I chalk it as a loss. So have many others. We all lose out occasionally. Shit happens, that's life. But you have no proof other than this is how I felt in the past on gear and this is how I feel now. Post some lab work. Post some photos. Post your diet and workout plan.

Fuck I'm starting to believe your depressed bro, real talk. It happens. I was running a gram of gear but couldn't get my dick up or any energy to get into the gym. But I was depressed, that was the issue. Gear isn't God. Gear doesn't make us Gods. Our mental state of mind controls us. Give a dude a sugar placebo pill but tell him it's some matrix shit and I bet he lifts more then if it was some steroid pill. Because mentality plays a big part in how you feel and shit.

You would have had better results just taking other members help. We would have sent money ourselves if you needed it.

And to any other members trying to instigate stuff, just stop. Place an order with TMM try the shit yourself and post a review or move on.

I'm going through shit in my own life and I log on here to get away and chat but instead it's constant ranting on this board and others and it's endless and unproven with no proof.

What vendor will get accused next? Is this what vendors have forward to looking to on this board? One member with no proof of bunk gear upset and then oh damn everything is questionable?

I don't even use TMM but fuck I might order that dbol myself just to give up my cut cycle to bulk up to get people back to where we need to be. A family.
By the way Grim is in the hospital incase anyone hasn't noticed with the endless ranting threads. Maybe we could all send him a get well card or offer support rather than fussing.

The same person who created the board is in the hospital. So what happens if he can't pick up monies and auctions etc. That money keeps the board floating.

Let's talk about shit that matters.
Wow you need to end this. I have. I'm blown away that you opened another thread on this garbage. I reported on the other board that this board has now agreed to test the gear and that all judgements should be held until the results come back. That's about as fair as you can get. LET IT GO
Daredevil said:
By the way Grim is in the hospital incase anyone hasn't noticed with the endless ranting threads. Maybe we could all send him a get well card or offer support rather than fussing.

The same person who created the board is in the hospital. So what happens if he can't pick up monies and auctions etc. That money keeps the board floating.

Let's talk about shit that matters.
Pics of Mrs. Krustus, Tren and lifting. I suppose other hot women as well.
How can one be called a scammer for sending funds to the person in the full amount of the order? I can see if the funds were not sent but they were, so how is that scammer. I think that is the opposite of scammer, right?

Scammer= take money and leave
NOT Scammer= send money back in full

LittleTom said:
Pics of Mrs. Krustus, Tren and lifting. I suppose other hot women as well.
O Mrs krustus :-* I say this with complete respect mr krustus.
I take it as a compliment friend. .. I'm very proud to have her

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krustus said:
I take it as a compliment friend. .. I'm very proud to have her

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I for one am willing to continue the compliments if you'll continue posting pictures. I realize that's very generous of me, but I'm just that kind of a guy. ;D
49ER said:
I have a confession this is me
49ERI'd love to motor boat the shit out of those!!
Good Lord!! I'd have a "hard" time workout with her!!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
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