EQ and estrogen... how much aromasin?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
EQ can and does convert to estrogen right?... i think i read at about half the rate of test... so running 600 a week how much aromasin would be needed if you are running only 125mg of test with it?
Actually, estrogenic and progestational activity for EQ is low. I'd say 12.5mg's Exemestane/ed and see how that treats you.
i have tried running eq once about a year ago... didn't use an AI and estro got out of control after a few weeks in and sex went way down...lol... i know a lot of guys here love EQ and run 600 or more a week... just getting opinions on the estro sides and controling them... thanks guys
grim... you a big EQ guy right? do you have a lot of estro sides with it?
Thanks for backing me Granny T, guess ol' krustus doesn't trust my advice.

lol... ol' krustus was just looking for multiple opinions as i have never heard of anyone worrying about estro while running EQ... was wondering if it was just me...that had the sides from it... lol

i appreciate your advice as well as tsize... i started that 12.5 dose split morning and night...
JK bro. 12.5mg's Aromasin is very effective for most anyone, gyno problem's or not. I've seen guys on here who use 25mg's/ed, and I think, why (admittedly, I've never really been gyno prone)? I've never had to use more than 12.5mg's/ed and I usually stick with 12.5mg's/eod, and I've ran way over a gram of Test, with other compounds.

Yeah, EQ isn't bad as far as estro or prolactin issues, but Aromasin is the mildest (as far as lipid panel) and effective ai (up to 86% estro elimination in clinical research), and it's also a suicide inhibitor, so why not? Win, win situation to me.
i never have any gyno type problems but if my estro gets out of wack i can really tell by sex drive and erections... when i have it dialed in i'm like a horny teenager...lol

the first time i ran EQ... i never heard of anyone worrying about estro on it.. so i didn't even consider the estro problem til it was to late ...limp noodle...lol
krustus said:
i never have any gyno type problems but if my estro gets out of wack i can really tell by sex drive and erections... when i have it dialed in i'm like a horny teenager...lol

the first time i ran EQ... i never heard of anyone worrying about estro on it.. so i didn't even consider the estro problem til it was to late ...limp noodle...lol
Haha. That sucks. Are you running caber, just for the hell of it?
no caber... i tried some a while back to see if it enhanced my sex ( multiple orgasms?)... got some pharma grade from overseas .... didn't really notice much... and it cost too much for not noticing much
krustus said:
no caber... i tried some a while back to see if it enhanced my sex ( multiple orgasms?)... got some pharma grade from overseas .... didn't really notice much... and it cost too much for not noticing much
Huh, man that stinks. I love caber, but I recently ran out, it was from MP (yeah, I stocked up). I don't know about multiple orgasms, I've always been able to achieve that .... ok, sometimes. The best effect I got from caber was super libido and THUNDEROUS orgasms, seriously.

I run it year round when I have it. e3d while on gear, e5d when off or cruising.

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