Erectile dysfunction


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I'm starting to get irritated with ED.
I've been having issues with it off and on gear.
I know blood work would help better comprehend the issues I'm having. But currently I'm doing some training (for work) that doesn't allow me to go out and do any lab work.

I'm sure someone on this board has dealt with similar issues. Any tips you can shoot my way on what I might be doing wrong how can I fix the issue. I know proviron helps but I break out with acne. And blue pills just tire me out.
Any opinions or tip would help.
I'm starting to get irritated with ED.
I've been having issues with it off and on gear.
I know blood work would help better comprehend the issues I'm having. But currently I'm doing some training (for work) that doesn't allow me to go out and do any lab work.

I'm sure someone on this board has dealt with similar issues. Any tips you can shoot my way on what I might be doing wrong how can I fix the issue. I know proviron helps but I break out with acne. And blue pills just tire me out.
Any opinions or tip would help.
BighektWhat are you currently running? TNE like 90 minutes prior fixes libido and ED for me. Tren in general helps a lot unless you have prolactin issues or something.
Running 100mg of proviron always kept everything working good but yea we need to know what you are taking and what you normally take when you notice issues as this would help.
I just came off a blast of a gram of sust
750mg of eq and 150mg of tren a week. I basically build up to that with tren coming in around week 10 of 14.

I'm getting on trt doses for the next few weeks of just test cyp. But im completely off just running clomid and Nolvadex no HCG

Thinking maybe a small dose of Masterson might help?
Until you get bloods we can play the guessing game all day. Guarantee you estrogen is high your test levels prolly non existent along with a list of others. Cycling is a waste of time money and Gains not to mention the stress your putting on your body. You need to get back on test and run it for the rest of your life or get your hormones straightened back out and not touch gear again.
Agreed E bro, Test is for life since we all end up bottoming out anyway as we get older. Never come off, it is best to cruze at 2 or 300mg a week and then have short blasts but never totally cycling off unless for health reasons.

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