

Crazy Old Bastard
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Bulk cycle in the works right now, and I have albuterol and letro on hand I'm not having any gyno issues or anything like that, but I seem to be storing more fat than usual. I always store a little during a bulk, but not like this time. I was thinking of cycling in some albuterol or possibly some letro. I know that the two are different, but the estro killing letro has a few more sides? Albuterol is well tolerated I believe. Both have the ability to rid the body of fat through different body mechanisms, having no experience (just Clen) with either, was hoping for some assistance and dosage. My diet is overall decent, it is simple I eat everything in the house. This cycle has just raised some red flags to me, and I want to combat it now. Maybe it is just an old thing,lol
Letro is brutal. Try to stay away unless extreme emergency, then it works great.
Bronco said:
what are you currently running?
BroncoDbol 50mg ed, test e 900mg ew, test p 100mg eod, tne on days without testp, Does that sound decent Bronco? It was kind of a willy nilly cycle because of the issues I had getting my gear like I had discussed with you prior to EG.
stonetag said:
Dbol 50mg ed, test e 900mg ew, test p 100mg eod, tne on days without testp, Does that sound decent Bronco? It was kind of a willy nilly cycle because of the issues I had getting my gear like I had discussed with you prior to EG.
stonetagSince your already kick starting with dbol i would save the test p for later, unless you have some other reason for using it right now. i would also only use the TNE pre workout. the dbol is probably causing a lot of extra bloat, do you have any aromasin or adex on hand? i don't have any experience with letro someone else would have to chime in on that. How long have you been running the dbol?
Damn bro, that's 2 grams of test per week. Seems like overkill and a good reason for extra bloat. Why not drop the prop and tne and add in something like deca or npp? Try some adex or aromasin for bloat. I like formeron its a trandermal AI sold over the counter online, it has formestane in it, doesnt hit the liver and does great on bloat and estrogen
I don't Know your bodyfat but I've learned to stay away from running test high for now. Especially dbol and test bloat me and make me look fatter estro always become a problem. I only use test as a base and for cruising until I drop to at least 10% bf. If you don't like tren npp might do you some good you have too much aromatization going on you probably should lower the test a little.

Good thing about tren you can get away with not eating super clean and you will grow. GO to Walmart pharmacy get some bronkaid and make your own eca stack. That also helps me keep the fat down and it's a good pw.
I am going to drop the test p for now, and go easy on the tne. I have never used tne before, so I was more or less seeing what the hype was all about. It's great boner juice! lol. The problem is staring me right in the face, to much test (bingo Z), four weeks with the dbol needs to come to a close pretty quick too I was so happy to finally source some good test at quantity and price that I was blinded. lol Thanks fellers you're awesome!
Be careful once i had no gyno symptoms just moody and cried all the time j.k but i went and got blood work and my estro was like 700 something.

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