estrogen control... how to evaluate without blood work


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i know blood work is the only sure fire way to know you got your estro in the range... but i live in a small town and to get labcorp etc.. is about an hour drive one way and they are only open during the hours i work... so it is not practical for me to do a lot of test during the year.

when my estro is right... i have the libido of a teenager... and lots of night time erections..

so i judge my AI dose by my night time erections.. is ther a better way?

btw i have found i still do better with an AI even on a TRT dose (125mg -150mg of test a week).. but only a very small dose

i have recently switched from exemestane to arimidex... since it's longer acting and have found arimidex much easier to keep in range (as far as i can tell without bloods)

any pro tips or advice would be welcome...
water holding, joint pain, few other ways
btw i never ever get blood work
Ya I don't like aromsin. Too short of life. Bloating, acne usually my signs of high estrogen. For 125mg a week you really don't even need ai
For 125mg a week you really don't even need ai

i think i must have estro issue because of age or something... at 125mg... i still have better libido and erections with a small dose of AI
i think i must have estro issue because of age or something... at 125mg... i still have better libido and erections with a small dose of AI
That's too bad but on the bright side I'm willing to help out at home if mrs krustus needs more. Lol
I agree with the wood at night and morning. That's how I know I'm dialed in. Acne lessens too which get bad if too high. I have found adex much easier to use and I use it with my trt as well.
That's too bad but on the bright side I'm willing to help out at home if mrs krustus needs more. Lol

LOL... what a great guy!!!...
I used to think I could judge estrogen levels by mood, erections, sensitivity in the chest... At the end of the day however I found the side effects for estrogen levels were the same if I was too high or too low. Without blood work it was impossible to tell. And if they aren't running an Estrogen Sensitive test, and instead doing a regular estrogen test that's the same for men and women, then it's a total waste of money. Unless of course you want to know if you're ready for your period or going to get pregnant.

Do the correct test and make the drive. Hell, put on a good educational podcast while you're driving and come back a smarter man!
Going through the "out of range" estrogen issue now. But, for me it's joint pain, fatigue, slight bloating.... No problem with mood or erections.
When my estrogen is in range I have clearer skin and a great libido. I guess I'm one of those "lucky" guys who are very estrogen sensitive and gyno just hits me in the face when it's high. It's hard for me to actually crash my estrogen...almost impossible unless I'm using a high dose letro to get rid of gyno.

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