falling oil prices


Deep In The Swamp Minutes From The Big Easy
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Not sure how much this is affecting anyone else on EG but I'm at the verge of shutting the doors on my shop. If the price of oil don't rise to at least $60/barrel pretty soon everything I've worked for the last 10 years or so will be for nothing. I'm looking to loose everything. The is depressing. I've gone from having $200 to $300 per week play money to not knowing how I'm going to pay the bills. 3 weeks ago I had to lay off all my employees and now have to machine everything myself which ain't much.
Anyone else being affected by this in the short run? Eventually its going to affect everyone in the states one way or another.
Fix in to send my resume out to the northern states to see what's out there for a CNC programmer/shop supervisor.
Anyone that knows of a good position available for someone with over 28yrs experience in machine work, manual and NC let me know. I'm beginning to feel desperate.
Sorry to hear about your situation. Prices have not dropped majorly in the northern states. You are a machinist with quite an experience trail. I wish you the best bro seriously.
Yeah, you can thank the saudis for that shit. They can pull oil out of the ground for pennies. We are just getting into it. Over time we are going to run them out of business. Hang tough... It will get better. The prices should settle, high 50 low 60 but might take awhile. They are trying to drive us little guys out of the business.
It's killing me as well bro I had to take a 10% pay cut , my company went from 250 to 30 .... It's pretty fucking nuts right now brother. All we can do is keep our heads up and hope for the best!
Its hurting our entire state of Alaska, the only thing that going to be good about the oil prices for up here is the tourist industry will probably do fantastic. However, for us oil workers, jobs are getting canceled and pushed back to later dates. But it seems the oil companies know something because work is starting to pick up again. You can always check out jobs up here brother, they will usually pay for your trip up and back, especially with a guy with your work experience, you shouldn't have an issue landing a killer job up here. PM me if you want to look into jobs, I can send you a couple links to the companies that work up here to get you going.
Middle East oil gurus doing this shit on purpose. We shouldn't depend on those fucks. We have all we need. But thanks to politics we get fucked

Sorry to hear this OP
Sorry for the ignorance guys. What do you guys do for living if I can ask? I've never heard of oil prices dropping and it hurting someone. I'm not trying to be dick, trying to understand.
These guys most likely are involved in the booming oil sands Jinko. There were states booming with industry thanks to our never ending oil sands. People were sleeping in thier cars because they couldn't get a place to live. However, they wanted to work.

Oil industry needs every kind of machinist, riggers, pipefitters. I am not in that industry but I follow that shit because it was the first time our country finally was getting off our oil reliance on people who hate us. Was upping the stocks but now the saudis are pissed so they are decreasing the value. Opec and the saudis still have lots of control but thier time is up. America is coming for that industry. Leave it to America, if there is a way we will find it.
True we do export more oil than we import.
Thanks AK. If things don't pick up in the next couple months I'll probably shut down my machine shop and might take you up on trying to find something out of state.(Louisiana) I have 29+ years experience so finding a JOB shouldn't be a problem but I know around here they would try and low ball my pay because of the times right now. I'm not looking for pity, just wish things to pick up again.
Good luck brother!! I am in a state close to yours and we are greatly affected on the prices of oil. 80+ per barrel and we are shitting in tall cotton. Anything lower than that, we are laying people off and cutting salaries. My step daughter just took a temporary 5$ hour pay cut just to keep her job!!
Sorry to hear that bro. I figured I wasn't alone being hurt by this.
sorry if I dont understand how its working ... dont we like low gas prices? how does it affect machine shop work?
misterB said:
sorry if I dont understand how its working ... dont we like low gas prices? how does it affect machine shop work?
If oil companies are not pulling oil, trucks aren't being used which puts a hurt on the truck drivers, mechanics, and the others that keep those machines running.

If they are not pulling oil, bits don't need to be sharpened/repaired or broken parts fixed by the machinists.

We have had one of the major oil companies just lay off roughly 400-500 people because they are not needed because there is a surplus of oil and it's production has slowed.
ok , to me it think cheaper oil more drivers going farther distance breaking down , more money to invest in repairs. sorry its not that way
Well for starters...........What will an average of $1050.00 a year on gas price savings do for you? Thousands of people are being laid off over the past few months in the USA and BARACK OBOMA is making everyone think he's doing good by them!

Sorry I'm not aiming this at you but the public needs to know the truth!

What's happening right now is political, it has nothing to do with supply and demand and our government is allowing it to happen and trying to sell it as a good thing with low gas prices. But mark my word.... BECAUSE OF THIS STOPPAGE OF DRILLING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THE LOW PRICE OF OIL, IN A YEAR MAYBY TWO, YOU'LL BE PAYING $4:50 A GALLONGALLON BECAUSE OF DEMAND!!!!!!!!

Well I build blow out preventers (BOP). Other machine shops thread the pipe that goes down hole. Other shops including us (sometimes) make the flanges that connect the BIG OIL pipe line together. I can't explain everything machine shops do but without us there's no oil from top to bottom. BUT WE'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES SUFFERING. Direct TV got fired a few weeks ago. I know they feeling it. Hell i used to spend a shit load of money on eBay. My little money ain't hurting them but they took a lose because of it. Believe me what's happening right now with oil prices WILL AFFECT EVERYONE IN THE USA EVENTUALLY and its all because of this no good piece of shit President we elected not once but twice. I actually voted for him the first go round but when he went after the young ignorant Hispanic vote thinking they would be instant citizens to win the second election. I'm done. I can't express how much I hate government.

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