Fasting for cutting ?


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
anyone on here fast while cutting and if so how were your results and how did you do it? I been looking into trying it
I did intermittent fasting when I cut 45 pounds in the last four months. I was on 750mg TPP, 600mg tren a, 600mg masterone proportionate a week as well. I would have extend by scivation in the morning with citrulline malate. Would have my first meal around 1pm-2pm. I train at 8pm, so i would have plenty of food in me by then. I would eat a big post workout meal after I lifted and if I got hungry before I went to bed I’d have cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. Worked wonders for me. 295-255 like that. I still utilize it a few days a week to keep fat gain minimal as I start training for strength again. I love it. Sometimes I don’t want to break the fast when it is time to because my mind is so sharp. Feel like it forced my body into an extremely efficient state because now even that I’ve increased calories and carbohydrate intake, I continue to get more defined and am definitely not adding fat back on.
I did intermittent fasting when I cut 45 pounds in the last four months. I was on 750mg TPP, 600mg tren a, 600mg masterone proportionate a week as well. I would have extend by scivation in the morning with citrulline malate. Would have my first meal around 1pm-2pm. I train at 8pm, so i would have plenty of food in me by then. I would eat a big post workout meal after I lifted and if I got hungry before I went to bed I’d have cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. Worked wonders for me. 295-255 like that. I still utilize it a few days a week to keep fat gain minimal as I start training for strength again. I love it. Sometimes I don’t want to break the fast when it is time to because my mind is so sharp. Feel like it forced my body into an extremely efficient state because now even that I’ve increased calories and carbohydrate intake, I continue to get more defined and am definitely not adding fat back on.
Vette63So you started at 2pm and end it at 8?
No I would end it at around 10pm normally. I was never really concerned with keeping a certain amount of time. If I was starving and ready to eat at noon I would eat. I think people get so caught up in following these dead set guidelines that they box themselves in and you grow to hate what you’re trying to do. If you’re preparing for a competition, then hell yeah you have to be strict and not deviate from what you need to do at all. But I’m not competing, and I do this because I love it. Listen to your body man. If I hadn’t gone to sleep yet and I was hungry at midnight, I’d eat. If I woke up at 7am and was ravenous, I’d eat. Last thing you ever want to do when you’re training hard is deprive your body of the proper amount of fuel to recover. Find that sweet spot where between your training and your nutrition you are achieving your goals but not at the price of runnimg yourself into the ground and feeling miserable. If we’re underfed and feel like shit, our training is going to be shit. If our training turns to shit, then what are we really achieving? After this time around, I’ll never mind when I need to shed some fat and cut up. I got the results I did because I didnt create a torturous situation for myself and I felt good while I was doing it so I stuck with it. When I tell myself I can’t do this I can’t do that I can’t eat this I have to keep my carbs here and my fat here, aside from feeling like crap, it’s mental torture. I found freedom this time around. Just be mindful of what you’re putting in your body and when you are putting it in your body. I always ate the bulk of my carbohydrates before and after my workout when they will be utilized. As for now, it’s ass eatin season and I’m training for strength again so I’m eating big all the time. But I throw days in here and there where I eat the way I did when I was cutting. Typically on days I’m not lifting or days that I’m not training large muscle groups or compound lifts. I do it because if I don’t, I will inevitably put more fat on than I want to.

But you gotta find what works for you man. Take it and make it your own. Eat the foods you thrive on. We’re all different. And if you’re using gear, make sure and use appropriate compounds for your goals. That TPP, Tren acetate, and masterone propionate blend I was on worked wonders.
Vette.... That's a great post, and the real strategy between Balance and chaos. The only issue is, you can't call that Intermittent fasting since you deviated so much. What you did was more of a lifestyle, and we all need to be able to achieve that balance.
i've been doing IF for years... there are times i don't do it... but most of the time i am. i try to go 12pm to 8pm feeding.. but like Vette stated above i don't stress over being perfectly within that window.

i really try to hit my macros if i'm cutting.. and fasting allows bigger meals which fit me and my lifestyle better.

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