Female cycles


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Just some random thoughts on my wife and gear. My wife has used gear on and off for the last two years. She has made a lot of progress. She is 5ft2 @124. Most of our training has been powerlifting but that has recently been changing. She has done a 300lb DL and close at 315. Bp 150 close at 160. She also runs 20miles a week which keeps her lean but not so great for strength. Now she wants to train mma. My kids are all into it and she has recently joined them.
She has had the best luck with npp by far. Best results were 200mg nppwk and 25 var daily. She did 10wks of 200mg eq. The results were minimal. The var and winny tabs work well for her. She has done 100mg wk test prop split in 2 doses. Doesn't like the feel of that or anadrol. Doesn't like the bloat but mostly the anger. She has a temper. I would like to try some primo. Her worst sides have been acne. Clit has grown some but very minimal.
I believe primo is recommended at 100mG a week for 8 weeks for women for a first cycle on primo. But since she's had experience with AAS, What dosage of primo were you thinking?
lots of women talk about there experience at rxmuscle , 100 a week in 2 dose but nothing wrong with going lower , although shes tolerated the test P well enough to believe 50 twice a week would be excellent along with a possible lower anavar dose, like 20 since shes been higher without side effects
Primo @ 50-100mg's/week. Preferably oral tabs. Pharma is available but expensive, as all legit Primo is.
woe said:
Run drol at 50 a day
lol lots on this but the recommended dose is 25 a day i believe, shes powerful and could probable handle 50 but we all know the gains are not keepers
I would like to get wifey on something but she is scared she is gonna get BIG and SWOLE. I
am also worried about her sex drive. Will it decrease or increase?
I had an ex Jinkette that used var (10mg per day), gh (2 iu pharm grade per day), and primo 100 mg per week.

No real sides.
I would like to get wifey on something but she is scared she is gonna get BIG and SWOLE. I
am also worried about her sex drive. Will it decrease or increase?
get her on some anavar, no swelling up just getting cut and tight, ladies love it and libido typically increases
Daredevil said:
Also not to pry but how was her sex drive on AAS and did it affect her period?
DaredevilThe first couple times the sex drive was incredible. After a few years its just ok on. I would say worse off. I guess its just what you get used to. She has no periods when on.
Daredevil said:
I believe primo is recommended at 100mG a week for 8 weeks for women for a first cycle on primo. But since she's had experience with AAS, What dosage of primo were you thinking?
misterB said:
lol lots on this but the recommended dose is 25 a day i believe, shes powerful and could probable handle 50 but we all know the gains are not keepers
Did A50 way too angry. Tprop was same way. Have to say a bit of tprop gives big sex drive boost. Im thinking 200primo split in two doses.
I would like to get wifey on something but she is scared she is gonna get BIG and SWOLE. I
am also worried about her sex drive. Will it decrease or increase?
BIGBOSSNo one has ever accidently got too big or swole. We all know its not that easy.
Put my girl on dbol...10mg a day. She absolutely loved the pump. Obviously a lot of it was water and I gave her a heads up that she would loose a lot of mass when she came off and that's exactly what hsppened.
Her sex drive was put of control. She loved it. Anavar was too weak for her and it was from a legit source here .... winstrol was way too harsh on her.
she just started 25mg of npp a week. 25 MG tbol a week, nolva and aromasin. ....maybe I'll post a log
woe said:
Put my girl on dbol...10mg a day. She absolutely loved the pump. Obviously a lot of it was water and I gave her a heads up that she would loose a lot of mass when she came off and that's exactly what hsppened.
Her sex drive was put of control. She loved it. Anavar was too weak for her and it was from a legit source here .... winstrol was way too harsh on her.
she just started 25mg of npp a week. 25 MG tbol a week, nolva and aromasin. ....maybe I'll post a log

Sweet brother.Yea,many women do well on NPP and love what it does for them.Too many only know of what everyone says about women and anavar and fear them being on other compounds for real no good reason except for the "fear" of what they hear "could" happen.

Please do post up the log.Id love to follow along.
F.I.S.T. said:

Sweet brother.Yea,many women do well on NPP and love what it does for them.Too many only know of what everyone says about women and anavar and fear them being on other compounds for real no good reason except for the "fear" of what they hear "could" happen.

Please do post up the log.Id love to follow along.
F.I.S.T.Alright FIST you got it man. I asked her and she said it would be alright.
It's not going to a full in depth log... but I'd like it to be some kind of refrence log for any other females that may like to try any of these compounds.....
So what I'll do is, write down her diet, what she is taking and the frequency she is taking it at. And any changes I make to in the 2 months that she is running this.
I will not be training her or training with her so there will only be brief documentation on performance changes only by her word of mouth. I'll document changes I see and what she tells me personally.
Again, this is more of "FEMALE PED REFRENCE GUIDE" and I'll copy and paste this in the log.
I'll make a post here in a bit and give a little insight as to her cycle history and why I chose to put her on npp,tbol,nolva,aromasin.
A little side note, aromasin isn't set in stone.... right now she's running just nolva. Aromasin on hand. Wanted to make that clear
woe said:
A little side note, aromasin isn't set in stone.... right now she's running just nolva. Aromasin on hand. Wanted to make that clear

Nothing should ever be set in stone my brother.You change up as shown by your personal reactions to things.

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