Flyingfox's 2014 log


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Just did my bloods for the doc so I'm hooping to get a little breathing room before my next blood test. I'm coming off a layoff and then Dr. Prescribed TRT which I am allowed 100 mg per week for now but he said he wanted to start on the conservative end.

Current cycle
500 mg test Cyp per week, split into two doses.
800 mg Deca/NPP per week.600/200 divided into two shots.
Dbol 2- caps per day(Dr.'s orders)
HGH 3-4 iu's per day.
Novalin R still figuring this out but most likely 5-6 iu's pre WO and only on training days.
I have not used the slin in a while, not sure if and when it will get incorporated.

Current weight-258 lbs
Tear it up Fox! Post some before and after pics. I love a good log.. (Not GHEY.) I will be interested to see how it goes. Crush it! 🙂
Nice FF will be following this close! Now go kill that new gym you built!
We the same weight 😛
Had a vasectomy today and I also went over the blood work with my Dr. Happy to say everything looked great, my test level was in the 600s. I can't train for a week but I will be hitting it hard once my ball sack is healed up. I don't have to go back to see the Doc until July so it's time to ramp things up!
Who's gear are you running? Also howd that vasectomy go? I need to get one sooner than later.
Z82 said:
Who's gear are you running? Also howd that vasectomy go? I need to get one sooner than later.
Z82I run my pharmaceutical test(TRT) and I usually throw in some of my homebrew to bump it up, but I also have a bunch of UG stuff to use so it's a mix really. I was using Aventia Deca and planned on using Aventia Dbol also. If I do the heavyweight challenge this will have to change...we'll see.

As far as the was rough! I did not follow the Dr's orders and messed around with the wife the day after surgery, we went at it hard lol...I was high on pain pills...not my fault. Any way I ended up with serious swelling and own fault. I have not been in the gym for a week and a half. My advice ...listen to your Dr.
^^^^ DAMN!!! I hope it works out for ya bro.. Thats gotta suck!!!

Interested in the log though!! Lets get it going bro, You got this!!
remember there wildman, it takes several discharges until you're shooting blanks after....... Hoping shes on some type of birth control lol
HARD AT IT said:
^^^^ DAMN!!! I hope it works out for ya bro.. Thats gotta suck!!!

Interested in the log though!! Lets get it going bro, You got this!!
HARD AT ITDown, not out brother...thanks for the words of encouragement!
lith56bigguy said:
remember there wildman, it takes several discharges until you're shooting blanks after....... Hoping shes on some type of birth control lol
lith56bigguy She's still breast feeding our 7 month old, that usually keeps chicks from ovulating, not to worry though...I discharged all over her...the day after surgery which is why I'm in this predicament.
Trying to get back on track, I switched from superdrol to Dbol, I'll save the Sdrol for the end as I think that will be a better use. I'm still not 100% but I am back to training as of today....I look terrible but my strength is still good.
When I got sick I stooped all compounds except my TRT dose of testosterone. I shot 300 mg deca( Abentia)/100 mg NPP/one cap of dbol(Aventia) and injected 100 mg of Dbol/Anadrol pre training.
I took my last dose of levaquin today, this shit really did a number on me....I feel like I'm 90. This is my last post in this log as I do not plan on continuing with this run....just my HRT from here on with perhaps a small dose of HGH. Thanks for the support my brothers. FF has retired.
Just to clarify, I mean I'm done with big blasts is all...not trying to be dramatic. I may even add a small dose of a second compound here and there.
flyingfox said:
Just to clarify, I mean I'm done with big blasts is all...not trying to be dramatic. I may even add a small dose of a second compound here and there.
Whew ... that's better. Stay healthy man.
Lil update
January was pretty bad and the first half of February was not much better. I stopped the Deca because of depression issues and when I stopped HGH I was a fucking zombie for a couple of weeks....really tired.
The good news is I started feeling better a couple weeks ago and have been slowly ramping things up. I'm still only using a small amount of test(225mg this week) but I added EQ and I have been dropping a Dbol daily. My appetite is back and training is back on track also, plan on adding a little Tren E soon and may take the test to 300-400 mg.

Things are looking up for this old dog.

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