Follistatin 344/myostatin inhibitors



Looking for guys that have any experience with this and could give there feedback and possibly help answer some of these questions. Been searching for some articles on it, not really finding anything but threads/post and everything I'm finding is different from one another...

How'd you dose/run it?
Wut results did you get?
Did you pin subq or im?
Any post injection pain/pip after?
Where did you got yours? (Pm me if you like) Have read that some pep sources use "tag" to cut it, so curious on who you went through... and any other feedback you'd like to share.
Here's what I got from Pitt a while back. I'm about to run this as I'm approaching my 8th week of cycle:

"Alright.. when I set up my Myo HMP, I ran it during the 8th week of an aas cycle. This is usually when Myo is at it's peak. I did 200mcgs (Intramuscular, split Bilaterally) EOD for 10 days. If you recon with BAC.. the peptide will last roughly 2-3 days.. if .6% AA solution is used, I'd give it 4-5 days in the fridge. With that being said, I would personally recon with the AA solution and freeze half of your doses preloaded in a slin. Move them to the fridge at least a couple of hours prior to injecting."

Hope that helps. Ill let you know how it goes.
That's almost the complete opposite from how i've been seeing guys run it lol. Usually see guys run it 100 mcg ed for 10 days straight. So, it breaks down equally/the same but a bit different. Either way keep us all posted on how it works out rock! Sure i'll have more questions for you after your done. Keep us posted!
Apparently, folli is a no go and isn't suppose to be injected (suppose to use a vector :/ idk) from what it looks like and mentions it will more than likely be destroyed by the immune system (study mentions immunesuppressive drugs given to subjects). So, this sucks 🙁 dont waste your lute I guess unless you want.
funny you should mention immune system. After 4 days on myo, I got sick. Now i've heard of and was prepared for flu like symptoms from others who have run it, only I can't seem to kick the sickness. I'm wondering if it messed something up the way I took it.

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