free test levels while cycling?


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I wanted to pick your brains real quick, Ive been on blast and cruise cycling for last 4 yrs or so and recently started feeling extremely lethargic with zero motivation. What I was wondering is if its possible for free test to be to low even while on test? Even in cruise I am running 200mg/wk of test but this has started while on 1gram of test a week. I believe I can pretty much rule out estro related problems cause im on arimidex and im showing no other signs of estro sides. Currently running test 1gram wk and deca 750wk. Any input would be appreciated.
back4more said:
I wanted to pick your brains real quick, Ive been on blast and cruise cycling for last 4 yrs or so and recently started feeling extremely lethargic with zero motivation. What I was wondering is if its possible for free test to be to low even while on test? Even in cruise I am running 200mg/wk of test but this has started while on 1gram of test a week. I believe I can pretty much rule out estro related problems cause im on arimidex and im showing no other signs of estro sides. Currently running test 1gram wk and deca 750wk. Any input would be appreciated.
back4moreThe long and short of it........Yes
Blood could be thick causing low oxygen flow in your blood. When I give blood I normally fell better and have more energy. I try and give blood 3-4 times a year to get rid of extra RBC
Buck said:
Blood could be thick causing low oxygen flow in your blood. When I give blood I normally fell better and have more energy. I try and give blood 3-4 times a year to get rid of extra RBC
BuckGood practice.....especially with compounds like Eq
back4more said:
I wanted to pick your brains real quick, Ive been on blast and cruise cycling for last 4 yrs or so and recently started feeling extremely lethargic with zero motivation. What I was wondering is if its possible for free test to be to low even while on test? Even in cruise I am running 200mg/wk of test but this has started while on 1gram of test a week. I believe I can pretty much rule out estro related problems cause im on arimidex and im showing no other signs of estro sides. Currently running test 1gram wk and deca 750wk. Any input would be appreciated.
Crushing estro levels can also cause lethargy. How do your joints feel, are your fingers "clicking", do they feel like you have to "crack" your knuckles all the time?
Hanzo said:
Crushing estro levels can also cause lethargy. How do your joints feel, are your fingers "clicking", do they feel like you have to "crack" your knuckles all the time?
What does cracking your knuckles have to do with anything?? ???
morrey said:
What does cracking your knuckles have to do with anything?? ???
It's a symptom of low estrogen. That is, if you're suddenly noticing you have to more than before. Also, as I mentioned, your fingers will feel tight and they'll kinda click.

Estrogen levels play a vital role in joint health.
Hanzo said:
It's a symptom of low estrogen. That is, if you're suddenly noticing you have to more than before. Also, as I mentioned, your fingers will feel tight and they'll kinda click.

Estrogen levels play a vital role in joint health.
Really?!? It kinda sounds like pseudo science to me. I may try and test this out. I do have some letro lying around
Joints feel fine. Im actually leaning towards the while low o2 levels as buck said cause its been awhile since giving blood and last time I did rbc was really high. Could be low estro I guess but ive crashed it several times before and im pretty familiar with symptoms of low estro. Being this tired suks ass though lol.
As a follow up..200mg of Test on cruise is plenty to crash natty. :-\
morrey said:
Really?!? It kinda sounds like pseudo science to me. I may try and test this out. I do have some letro lying around
Research morrey, like I do. I researched because I suffered from it. Letro and DIM will do it real quick. Buck knows as well as I do.
do you run HCG at least 500 iu divided 2 times a week? That will keep natty Free up during. I run it even though there are mixed reviews about being on indefinitely and still running HCG. Doctors run it that way for a reason and I like the way it makes me feel. Def need to donate every 3 months especially the doses your running. Whenever my shit gets too thick I hit the wall as in LETHARGY, donate and back to peppy..

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