My 16 week cycle. Currently on week 4.
100mg tren a ed
100mg mast p ed
100mg test p ed
First 4 weeks 100mg Anadrol ed
Last 4 weeks 40mg halo ed
8iu growth ed
Clen 80mcg ed
T3 100mcg ed
Bp157 sight injection
Loving the cycle, started off at 235lbs watery, I am now 223,getting very ripped an hard, strength going up, stamina is iffy, biggest problems right now is cramping and joint pains. I’m thinking about adding 100mg of npp ed to this cycle. Anyone ever ran npp with this type of cycle? Think it will combat good with it?
100mg tren a ed
100mg mast p ed
100mg test p ed
First 4 weeks 100mg Anadrol ed
Last 4 weeks 40mg halo ed
8iu growth ed
Clen 80mcg ed
T3 100mcg ed
Bp157 sight injection
Loving the cycle, started off at 235lbs watery, I am now 223,getting very ripped an hard, strength going up, stamina is iffy, biggest problems right now is cramping and joint pains. I’m thinking about adding 100mg of npp ed to this cycle. Anyone ever ran npp with this type of cycle? Think it will combat good with it?