Frontloading eq


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Been researching and reading up on the best way to use eq, frontloading is what I'm finding a lot of on this compound. I pinned 900mg first shot think ima drop it down to 450mgs for duration of cycle as will be pinning 300mg tren-e along with it. This sound about right to you guys ?
Dont sound bad, let us know how it goes.
definitely front load it. But i would do minimum 600mg per week of EQ or its pointless, sweet spot is 900mg..
Front loading sounds good. I had good results with EQ~450mg/week running it with Tren. Fat just melted off.
Never had.much success with it for bulking even with higher doses.. of course that won't mean I won't try to bulk with it again
Eq is one of the best imo! I'd keep the front load up for longer than one shot though. I'm with bolt on the mgs to. 750-900 for optimal results from that particular compound. 450 will yield results but this is one of the cases where more is better. Vascularity and increased appetite usually don't start until around the 750 mark.
I would go with more eq more tren and atleast some test. The minimum I would recomend is 600eq, 400tren 300test wk. Watch your BP eq raises your rbc. Give blood if you can.
Disagree fully 900 is INSANE, I get great results on MUCH less.
CB1 said:
I would go with more eq more tren and atleast some test. The minimum I would recomend is 600eq, 400tren 300test wk. Watch your BP eq raises your rbc. Give blood if you can.
Yea I'm using 500mg test-e with the eq tren-e. I always get great results from tren and did a eq/test cycle that was 375 test 300 eq week and seen good but not out of this world results. I always respond to low doses and try that before bumping up mgs. Reason for using 450 eq is because of the tren or I'd run it higher. Also I had to give blood when on 300mg eq couple years ago. Doc said my blood was thick and pulled 6mls of blood.
I think depends on the quality of the EQ. I've had real deal EQ, as in the vet handed to me. 600mg per week I struggled to brush my teeth (forearm pumps), eat (jaw pumped) get the idea.
Or perhaps it depends on the individual....I can tell you the eq I have done is always absolutely top notch and never had problems when run right. Eq is a staple in all my cycles and ALWAYS run at high doses.
True, but are you comparing UG to Pharm? I think with out running both it's tough to compare.
If you just take EQ and test, you can go up to 800-900. When you add tren, I feel like you need to balance back down. 400-600 with 300-400 tren. The sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
Here's the deal with eq guys and other equine or vet grade steroids. First off they are administered by weight how many lbs the animal weighs=mgs prescribed. I grew up on a race horse farm in KY the heart of the KY derby. Average dose for a philly of deca durabolin is 400mg every 2 weeks and does not interfere with their heat cycles. Winstrol is given at 250mgs once a week. Eq is given at 600-900mgs every 12 days. Other aninals that may be dilipitated or found in horrid conditions will be given eq as well. The first gear I ever used was all vet grade gear I got from a track vet he took care of our horses for years. is one of the best compunding labs in the states if not the best. Eq unless recently put back on the market was taken off the market a few years ago. You can go to that site and view a list of there products. The winstrol, testosterone aqueous, nandrolone deca, and eq was outstanding. I used the eq at 300mg week and doc pulled 6ml of blood during a routine check up he was aware I was using gear. I have not used any winstrol as good as what I got from this lab. This eq I'm using now is ugl and I will keep you guys posted on results. Just remember the bigger guy you are if you weigh 180 it will take less than if you weigh 250. That's why vets give it out in how much the animals weigh. The above mgs I posted were based on what our horses were given I was always full of questions when our vet showed up for a doc visit. But in short know your source. For the past year I been ordering from CM and really love the quality.

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