Fun Facts That’ll Actually Make Your Life Better


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Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories.​

Alternatively, you can walk your dog for 45 minutes, which also burns 150 calories – and is much less painful.

In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig.​

This is because guinea pigs are social animals, and they are considered victims of abuse if they are alone.

Pteronophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers.​

It’s also a fear of feathers themselves. The word “ptero” is the Greek word for feather, and “phobia” is also Greek, meaning fear.

Snakes can help predict earthquakes.​

They can sense a coming earthquake from 75 miles away (121 km), up to five days before it happens.

Crows can hold grudges against specific individual people.​

Crows can very easily distinguish humans apart from each other, whereas humans find it nearly impossible to tell crows apart.

Fun Fact: This is known as The Crow Paradox.

The oldest “your mom” joke was discovered on a 3,500 year old Babylonian tablet.​


It was discovered in Iraq in 1976, however since then the tablet has been lost, but the text remains preserved.

So far, two diseases have successfully been eradicated: smallpox and rinderpest.​


The last naturally occurring case of smallpox was diagnosed in October 1977, and the last case of rinderpest was diagnosed in 2001.


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Cherophobia is an irrational fear of fun or happiness.​


That’s one phobia I wouldn’t like to have… it would probably mean they would fear these fun facts!

7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.​


I know 7% doesn’t sound like a lot, but that actually works out at 16.4 million American adults.

Sounds like a lot now right?

If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop.​


Kangaroos use their tails for balance whilst hopping, so if you elevate their tail, they would have no balance and fall over.

Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.​


Bananas go through a process called “negative geotropism.” Instead of growing towards the ground, they start growing towards the sun.

The fruit grows against gravity, which gives the banana its familiar curved shape.

Most Korean people don’t have armpit odor.​


Only 0.006% of the Korean population have the ABCC11 gene, which is the cause of armpit odor.

As a result deodorants are rarely sold in Korea.

The original London Bridge is now in Arizona.​


It was taken apart in 1963 and shipped overseas before being reassembled piece by piece.

This was to help bring people to the new, developing town.

During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.​


An average human produces between 1 to 2 liters of saliva each day, which is a maximum of 730 liters per year.

The average life expectancy is just over 70 years, which gives a maximum of 51,100 liters of saliva produced in an average lifetime.

This is more than enough to fill two swimming pools.

If Pinocchio says “My Nose Will Grow Now”, it would cause a paradox.​


This is known as Pinocchio’s Paradox.

If you think about it, Pinocchio’s nose would have to grow to make his statement not a lie, but then it can’t grow otherwise the statement would not be a lie.

Polar bears could eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting…​


…If they didn’t live at opposite ends of the earth! Polar bears live in the arctic, whereas penguins usually live in Antarctica.

Car manufacturer Volkswagen makes sausages.​


Not only that, they make more revenue from their sausage sales than they do from their car sales!

Movie trailers were originally shown after the movie, which is why they were called “trailers”.​


The problem with the trailers showing after the film was that audience wouldn’t stay around to watch them, making the trailers rather ineffective.

An eagle can hunt down a young deer and fly away with it.​


Never underestimate an eagle!

The smallest bone in your body is in your ear.​


The stapes is a bone in the middle ear of humans that which helps conduct sound vibrations for identification.

It is only roughly 0.04 inch (1mm) in size.

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