

Crazy Old Bastard
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Got to go to a friends funeral here in a while, god I hate this! I don't want to go but my wife thinks it shows disrespect. I say I would like to mourn in my own way, Not sure who's right? but anyway off to the funeral! Every time I turn around someone I know is passing away, must be the age. Later Bro's
Its the right thing to go but I understand your reason too brother. Sorry for your loss my man.
Sorry for your lost brother.
Don't think about it in who's right or wrong here cause neither of you are wrong.
The funeral is just a way to show respect to loves ones, family and friends.
Like you said everyone mourns in their own way. After this is over you'll have your own time to mourn bro.
Death always seems to catch us off gaurd. Sometimes more than others. I think we know our soul lives on forever so the death of the body seems strange. Sorry for your loss of a friend.
Back in the late 90's, early 00's I lost a lot of real close friends. I guess u could chalk it up to drugs or drug related. Anyways, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the calling hours and see somebody I hung out with almost daily in a casket. I couldn't do it. We all got together and had a memorial on our own. I always went to the family's house atleast but I just couldn't do it. I had a hell of a time with this chic I was dating. Her dad hung himself day after labor day. I can't even put into words what that was like. It was our anniversary too. She was daddys lil girl. That was the last funeral I went to. Almost ten years ago.

I don't think its disrespectful not to go to calling hours. U can go to the service or visit with the family. I know it eats me up going there.
I have very strong feelings about attending funerals..I will not go to a funeral, the reason is because I do not want my lasting memory of the person to be them lifeless , my grand mother took me to a funeral at the age of 3 , she used to be the pian player for them, someone held me and showed me the dead guy, to this day i can see him in casket. Also i seen a person die from massive injuries when I was 11 right in front of me. Those two things may have influenced my view of funerals. Not really sure the cause. But the only way I will attend a funeral is the part at grave site . I will never go to a open casket viewing. and it will have to be a very close family member.
IM Very sorry for your loss. It's never easy to say good bye to over ones.
Unfortunately people judge others for not attending funerals which i don't feel is right morally
You are NOT supposed to like a Funeral it is not a happy affair, With that said, do not think about YOUR feelings, going to a Funeral is not about you, IT is for the person and family of the deceased, Put you're feelings aside and do it for them.

Dr.A 93
Aventia said:
You are NOT supposed to like a Funeral it is not a happy affair, With that said, do not think about YOUR feelings, going to a Funeral is not about you, IT is for the person and family of the deceased, Put you're feelings aside and do it for them.

Dr.A 93 Just got back a little while a go, and honestly I'm glad I went, the family and friends were very happy to see me (happy under the circumstances) so all and all good feelings prevailed.

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