Gear I've a woman, for women


Lift like a man, Look like a lady
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Or their men looking to help their women out.

I've run some small (comparitivly speaking) cycles over the last 6 months or so. Here they are.

Primo Enthanate:
First cycle ever ran. Ran for 10 weeks. First two weeks were at 50mg, remaining 8 at 100.
Sides: minimal. Some voice hoarseness the last two weeks. Girl bits were VERY swollen after sex, but after a few hours went back to normal.
Benefits: massive strength increase and crazy body recomp. My back has always been lean and rather 3D looking....but this brought it out so much more!

Cycle number 2. Ran for 12 weeks at 10mg/day split in two. Started anavar during week 8 of the previously mentioned Primo cycle so it would have time to kick in as the Primo ended.
Sides: nothing really to note.
Benefits- helped lean out massively.

Competition #1 came in toward the end of this cycle. Took 2nd place in Women's Physique. (see photos attached) Dexa scan 10 days before comp had me at 13.5% body fat, Day of comp based on appearance, I'd say I came in some where around 12-13% body fat holding water and fat in my quads and glutes

Winny/Anavar/Primo/T3/Clen cycle
Winny at 10mg EOD IM
Anavar continued at 10mg/ED
Primo back to 100mg/wk given every Saturday
T3 at 50mcg/day split evenly
Clen at 60mcg/day taken in the morning

Started this as soon as Anavar ended. Was aiming for a second competition, however, life hit me HARD. V was privy to all the problems life was throwing at me and I felt as if I was going to come in TOO small for physique. We re-evaluated after 5 or so weeks into the cycle and everything BUT primo was dropped as I started a bulk.

Sides- voice sounded like I had strep throat with cracking if I got excited or yelled.
Benefits- I became a lean ass woman with a killer stomach....(last ab shot attached after comp photos)

Remaining sides once I started a 4 week break: I have now been asked almost DAILY "Why does your voice sound more and more like a sultry jazz singer when you talk?" (got this at work the other day); "Are you sick?"; "Does your throat hurt?"

So those are the remaining sides.

Two weeks into the 4 week break I started paxtropin at 2iu/day split am/pm doses. GH takes months to manifest into visible changes---currently my skin is back and forth between good and bad. I am now at 145-146lbs going into this bulk from 129-130 prepping for the second show. I'd venture to guess I"m somewhere between 16-18% body fat at the moment (will post an AM ab shot tomorrow if so requested so that it can be better judged by members here).

I started NPP last week at 15mg E3D. This dosage will continue for 2 weeks to assess for sides. If not sides are apparent, or they are tolerable, then I will increase to 20mg e3d for another two weeks. Should I still not have any sides or am able to tolerate the ones that manifest, then I will increase again to a final dose of 25mg E3D unless advised by Varick to increase further.

He has been instrumental in both my prep and this bulk---- not necessarily creating my cycles, but giving me the tools and guidance necessary to create my own cycles and learn. He did however control my diet during prep. He has given guidance over my diet during this bulk and I regularly check with him regarding my appearance. Aside from his input on ab work, training has been all me----discussing with others what can work, should work and may work...and ultimately utilizing the information to listen to my body and work it where it wants to work.

Once NPP is done, I will either attempt a Deca cycle or EQ depending on where I am sitting, how I look and how I feel. If I can tolerate the water gain with NPP, then Deca will be the following on deck (no pun intended) to finish my bulk. If I can't tolerate water gain with NPP, I will pass on the Deca and start EQ and run that as long as I can into my cut.

Conditions for cut:
a)160lbs reached
b)inability to tolerate weight by my frame (I'm 5'3.75") in which case I will speak with Varick, pick three shows back to back, cut and shoot for a national qualification.
c) appearance looks ready to cut.

Nothing in this game is set in stone, it's all fluid...and we have to learn to listen to our bodies and work with what we've got.

The indoor shots with suit on were taken two days before competition. Outdoor shots were of course the competition. Inside ab shot was after the competition prepping for the following comp that never happened.
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Great info and good results. Congrats on you physique and your placing.
Great post. And congrats on kicking ass at this game.
I've run Primo. Winstrol, Dbol, Anavar, GH. At high doses because I didn't know better at the time. I've had lots of bad sides but also great ones. I'm all natural now and don't intend to juice again.

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