German Volume Training


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I started a phase/cycle of this last week on Friday. First workout kicked my ass and still sore today. Feels good to do something different than 5x5 for a change.

Any bros here done this style of training before? Did you like it? Results? Thoughts or tips?
Havent really looked into it a whole bunch. You have a link to site you got your info from or did you pick it up somewhere else?
I found it on T-nation you can google it. It's all over the Internet in following the basic then will hit the advanced phase. It's apparently old but then was "brought" back by Charles Poliquin when he wrote about it back in 90s. The main goal of it is to hit 60-70% of your 1RM for 10x10 with 60-90 seconds rest between sets
RebelMachinist said:
I found it on T-nation you can google it. It's all over the Internet in following the basic then will hit the advanced phase. It's apparently old but then was "brought" back by Charles Poliquin when he wrote about it back in 90s. The main goal of it is to hit 60-70% of your 1RM for 10x10 with 60-90 seconds rest between sets
Yes i did this for the 1st time 6 or 7 years back if I remember correctly.
My rest times were within 30-45sec. Once you hit set 6 you really start to feel the burn at about rep 6.
Got me out of a stale roadblock and put a good amount of quality mass on me.
It makes you recruit more muscle fibers due to the time under tension and shorter reest times.
Give a try and stick with it for at least 1-2 months
jshredz said:
Yes i did this for the 1st time 6 or 7 years back if I remember correctly.
My rest times were within 30-45sec. Once you hit set 6 you really start to feel the burn at about rep 6.
Got me out of a stale roadblock and put a good amount of quality mass on me.
It makes you recruit more muscle fibers due to the time under tension and shorter reest times.
Give a try and stick with it for at least 1-2 months
I plan on sticking with it for 2 months then do a 3 week reload and go to the advanced phase when it's time to drop the hammer
i've done it. it's nice as a break from the heavy weights for a little while. it seems to add pretty good size if you try to keep the weights somewhat moderate and don't go too light. i've only done it in four week bursts if i remember tho, so i'm not sure i reaped the full benefits. psychologically, i felt like i had to get back to heavier weights, which is probably bullshit, but that's how i felt at the time.
I've been the same way always "needing" the heavier weights but my mind was changed when I did 100 reps overhead press lol. It is a very nice and quite challenging change. I have upped my calorie carb and protein intake for this new program
Finished today's workout about an hour ago still feel like I'm about to pass out. I believe that is mainly due to being on 100mg Ed of Tren ace. Powered thru it but holy shit. I am loving it tho really feel like I'm getting work done and accomplished. Also on a good note I got promoted to entry level management at my job today
RebelMachinist said:
Finished today's workout about an hour ago still feel like I'm about to pass out. I believe that is mainly due to being on 100mg Ed of Tren ace. Powered thru it but holy shit. I am loving it tho really feel like I'm getting work done and accomplished. Also on a good note I got promoted to entry level management at my job today
RebelMachinistIt will get easier as your body adapts and recruits muscle fiber, at that point you can shorten rest time or add weight

Congratulations on the promotion.
jshredz said:
It will get easier as your body adapts and recruits muscle fiber, at that point you can shorten rest time or add weight

Congratulations on the promotion.
Thanks for the advice bro and thank you for the congrats it was an unexpected promotion. I did legs yesterday just squats didn't have time for the seated calf raises but WILL get that in next week. I'm still sore today from that workout! Reminds me of the very first time I did squats LOL. Was also having a bad day and the humidity was killer from this tropical storm coming in from the gulf and Louisiana. I'm ready for fall! If you got anymore advice i'm always open ears your a solid bro and if I remember correctly you also compete?
I find it made me leave to much in the gas tank and not give it my all, so that i could finish the 10 sets or 10. I rather just pound the weight to failure each set and move on.
sityslicker1 said:
I find it made me leave to much in the gas tank and not give it my all, so that i could finish the 10 sets or 10. I rather just pound the weight to failure each set and move on.
Really? I haven't came across this yet. I find that I get my ass kicked from it. You did use 60-70% of you're 1RM for the sets? I'm guessing I've read you're reply correctly saying that you feel it was too easy?

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