Getting ready to start a new cycle


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I've been off for awhile and I'm getting ready to start a new cycle. I currently have a good amount of test e and mast. I am wanting to pick up tren ace and eq also.

I was going to run test kinda high but I'm rethinking that idea. Might keep it in the 5-600 range. I've never ran mast before and have lil clue about it. That's probably my fault for not looking into it. I've seen popularity in running mast at 800+ a week.
I was considering eq too. I've ran eq before and liked results. I was thinking of the 5-700 /week range. Not sure tho with the mast being present. Again, I should've done my homework.
Would like to run tren ace in the middle somewhere. I was thinking of the 4-600 range.

I guess my dumbass of the day questions would be what to run with mast? What ai or whatever needs to be ran with mast? I was planning on a 20+ week cycle length so I figured eq would be nice with that. I'm going to pick up Aromasin, caber, nolva, possibly clomid, and maybe something else too?... Not going to start for another few weeks or so. Want to get my ducks in a row first. Hopefully I don't get bashed to hell for not researching first! My apologies-
tbonexl said:
I've been off for awhile and I'm getting ready to start a new cycle. I currently have a good amount of test e and mast. I am wanting to pick up tren ace and eq also.

I was going to run test kinda high but I'm rethinking that idea. Might keep it in the 5-600 range. I've never ran mast before and have lil clue about it. That's probably my fault for not looking into it. I've seen popularity in running mast at 800+ a week.
I was considering eq too. I've ran eq before and liked results. I was thinking of the 5-700 /week range. Not sure tho with the mast being present. Again, I should've done my homework.
Would like to run tren ace in the middle somewhere. I was thinking of the 4-600 range.

I guess my dumbass of the day questions would be what to run with mast? What ai or whatever needs to be ran with mast? I was planning on a 20+ week cycle length so I figured eq would be nice with that. I'm going to pick up Aromasin, caber, nolva, possibly clomid, and maybe something else too?... Not going to start for another few weeks or so. Want to get my ducks in a row first. Hopefully I don't get bashed to hell for not researching first! My apologies-
tbonexlDUMB ASS!
Ok, now that that is out of the way.....😉

The EQ will be good for that length cycle....The Tren A.,, not so much. May want to run that Tren about half that cycle. As far as the Ai's, Nolva works good with Mast. Mast at the same dosage as Tren is good.
I had mentioned about starting tren half way thru the cycle. I just don't know much at all about mast.
tbonexl said:
I had mentioned about starting tren half way thru the cycle. I just don't know much at all about mast.
tbonexlNo reason to run Mast at 800+ when test is at <= your test is just fine.
TSizemore said:
No reason to run Mast at 800+ when test is at <= your test is just fine.
I would slightly disagree, if running your test lower to keep side in check with the tren I would run the mast e equal or greater by 200mg, mast also provides AI protection allowing you the ability to reduce your AI. Also great for sex drive🙂
Wacker said:
I would slightly disagree, if running your test lower to keep side in check with the tren I would run the mast e equal or greater by 200mg, mast also provides AI protection allowing you the ability to reduce your AI. Also great for sex drive🙂
WackerI didn't see where he wanted to avoid sides in which case higher Tren to Test would make sense. Mast does have AI properties, but not enough to suffice for being a sole AI. It's a lot easier and cheaper to take 20 mg of Nolva then add 200mg of Mast. But, that's just me,....I need the Nolva
tbonexl said:
So test at 4-500, tren at 600 or so and mast at 750-800 per week?
Ok so just for me and what I seem to be responding very good to with little sides is test e 500/tren e 350/mast e 650....but this is my first time running tren so keeping that dose low...and preloading first two weeks with tren a 100 eod
TSizemore said:
I didn't see where he wanted to avoid sides in which case higher Tren to Test would make sense. Mast does have AI properties, but not enough to suffice for being a sole AI. It's a lot easier and cheaper to take 20 mg of Nolva then add 200mg of Mast. But, that's just me,....I need the Nolva
Do you use aromasin or just Nolva? You are the second guy today I have seen that prefers nolva as a AI on cycle.
Wacker said:
Do you use aromasin or just Nolva? You are the second guy today I have seen that prefers nolva as a AI on cycle.
WackerDepends on the the seriousness of symptoms. To prevent them from happening I like to run Nolva....if they start to manifest it's straight to the Aromasin.
TSizemore said:
Depends on the the seriousness of symptoms. To prevent them from happening I like to run Nolva....if they start to manifest it's straight to the Aromasin.
Interesting so I run 12.5mg aromasin now, but no Nolva. What dosage of nolva do you use for maintenance? Its definitely less costly to run Nolva I may look into that.
tbonexl said:
I've never tried nolvadex on cycle. I've used letro on high test runs before.
That's new to me as well...I think I need more info on using nolva on cycle or blast it is definitely more cost effective if going pharm grade nolva vs aroma
Wacker said:
Interesting so I run 12.5mg aromasin now, but no Nolva. What dosage of nolva do you use for maintenance? Its definitely less costly to run Nolva I may look into that.
If its pharma grade 10mg a day either at one time or split am pm is where I like to start.
If not unless you know the source is good same dose but usually around 20mg split same way am pm or one dose.

You could also run it 5 days a week and 2 off. I am going to run it like this my next run on my gerbil. to see what happens.

but nolva in my opinion is better to run than adex or aromasin as long as it controls the sides. but then again only if you 100% trust your source. If the source is G2G and sides are creeping up on you adex. But if you are having prolactin issues caber all the way .5mg 2xweek.
Wacker said:
Do you use aromasin or just Nolva? You are the second guy today I have seen that prefers nolva as a AI on cycle.
Nolva isn't an AI, it's a SERM and doesn't work the same as an AI. Just sayin'.
Hanzo said:
Nolva isn't an AI, it's a SERM and doesn't work the same as an AI. Just sayin'.
HanzoYou're right....Grammar Nazi 😉

AI's reduce the amount of Estrogen in the body, SERMS block the ability of the body to use that Estrogen. The only "approved" AI's available are Arimidex, Aromasin, and Letrozole.

I like to always start with Nolvadex because it doesn't stop the production of Estrogen. Estrogen is too important to the function of Testosterone to just eradicate it. I add in Aromasin when the free estrogen has just gotten out of control and I need to kill it. Too much of any good thing is a bad thing!
Thanks T, ordered up some pharm grade nolva for the end of my blast when I add in some dbol. Seems like the way to go and a 1/3 of the cost!

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