Getting the Snip


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If this isn’t the right place for this please forgive me. Wifey and I are done with having kids. Getting a vasectomy, different doc then my normal TRT doc… he doesn’t “believe in anyone in their 40s on trt”, whatever I don’t care, been on TRT for over a year and it’s been the best decision of my life, problem the boys are hugged up pretty tight up in the scrod… is this going to affect the process? He did a feel around about a month ago and had trouble finding my nuts lmao! Procedure out a month… should I get off for a few weeks or start a PCT protocol? I don’t want to prolong this so any help would greatly appreciated!

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hmmm i would think they can work with small ones lol
Maybe a little HCG will loosen them up a bit.

Good luck with your procedure. Don't be afraid to take those pain meds.
Clomid too. Clomid will get them producing again even on gear and size will come back.
Clomid too. Clomid will get them producing again even on gear and size will come back.
GoProI’ll second that. @GRIM however would strongly discourage clomid use.
As always appreciate the feedback! I have clomid on hand but no hcg.. I have used clomid before on pct, and did ok,
I will try that.
As always appreciate the feedback! I have clomid on hand but no hcg.. I have used clomid before on pct, and did ok,
I will try that.
Main3iac10100mg a day for two weeks should bring your boys back to hanging form. Check back in let us know how it’s going if it’s not quite working I’ll send some hcg to finish em off
So.. my wife can attest.. my balls are small even off cycle. Would be really hard to ever hurt me if you kicked ne in the crotch, And i was on trt when i got these little beeds snipped. If they can find my little ball's wiring they can find yours.. lol and they were happy i shaved.. suck there was a hot nurse in the room tho.. awkward
So.. my wife can attest.. my balls are small even off cycle. Would be really hard to ever hurt me if you kicked ne in the crotch, And i was on trt when i got these little beeds snipped. If they can find my little ball's wiring they can find yours.. lol and they were happy i shaved.. suck there was a hot nurse in the room tho.. awkward
kragonOh my gosh lol. That's so funny shit. Good times.
Lol nice! Yeah not looking forward to it, it’s in a few weeks too bad not during football season! I don’t want a hot nurse though that would definitely be awkward.

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