Gimme a fucking break

thats bs bro, fully agree with you
Truly disturbing guys!! How has our culture become so fucked up???
im not anti trans however this is over the top
Uh.. seriously fucked up.. from man competing in competitions then decides to do women's.. that should not be allowed.
Society not being free is a reue cost more dangerous than anything. it only effects you as your mind allows it
Society not being free is a reue cost more dangerous than anything. it only effects you as your mind allows it
Maybe it doesn't effect you?, but it effects everyone else....proven by the fact this mentally ill freak of nature won a competition
Thats one very very rare case and in such a case I side with you
In general it doesnt effect you no more than a guy wearing pink does, some it mentally effects because of their perceived rights and wrongs. no more, no less
Thats one very very rare case and in such a case I side with you
In general it doesnt effect you no more than a guy wearing pink does, some it mentally effects because of their perceived rights and wrongs. no more, no less

It effects me and everyone else in many ways. One example, my wifes work, large corporations, forced to make transgender bathroom
Thats one very very rare case and in such a case I side with you
In general it doesnt effect you no more than a guy wearing pink does, some it mentally effects because of their perceived rights and wrongs. no more, no less

This is where that liberal point of view that if it doesn't bother me it's not a problem, fucks up Society. That's okay walk around with a mental illness and everyone else will just fucking play along as long as it doesn't bother me.
I read men are born with the ability to handle gear and women body are not like that of mens. So if you chopped off a mans testies he would still have the ability and body structure of a mans over a womans.
only 1 problem its not liberal its libertarian.....
Social engineering to destroy culture the family structure amongst other things the main objective is population control confuse distort reality in the name of tolerance they will stop at nothing to control you your family and everything you think or do from Cradle to grave classic CIA mind control tactics Good read-Brave New World is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley. Social engineering is nothing new they did it to blacks holding free food and housing over there heads all they had to do is not have there kids dad live in the same residence now 72% of births are illegitimate people are considered nothing but cattle if we were truly free we wouldn't have been born with a Social security number attached to use at birth taxing us is a slaves way of paying for are mere existence so in truth we are all born into slavery and those who aren't ie other countries are expendable

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