Got some questions about my cycle



Ok, I just started my cycle two days ago. I also just pulled some tendons in my elbows from lifting and want to take it easy for a week. I've only stuck once and it was a low dose. Should I stop the cycle so that it isn't wasted while I recover? I also have a hard bump under the skin at the injection site. Is this normal?
Pulled tendons is a guess or doctors diagnosis? where is the injection site ? what was the dose and compound ?
Pulled tendons is a guess. I have pain in my elbows when they are bent. Half a CC of Tren 100, And Test 100P. Also, I have that hard lump under the skin at the injection site.
where is the site, delt, quad? needle was one inch? could be the prop and some leakage into subq space
Should I keep sticking if I'm gonna take a week off, or should I stop now? Then start up when my pain in my elbows subsides
id keep going and not do arms for two weeks, see if it goes away. unless you have pain in all movement, the lump should go away in a few days, no heat or ice just leave it maybe tylenol
Keep going bro, it'll give the gear time to build up in your system. Meanwhile easy like a horse, rehab your arm and blast lower body!
Ok, sounds good. Thanks for the advice. Gonna focus on my abs and legs only for the next week or so.
N.O.V. said:
Keep going bro, it'll give the gear time to build up in your system. Meanwhile easy like a horse, rehab your arm and blast lower body!
N.O.V.Good advice, here. Follow it. 😉

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