Gotta Love the Justice Department



That's right, texson here with another informative, high quality, insightful, thought provoking post the whole family is sure to enjoy.

- was wondering when they would take an official position on the matter, read on....

So, yesterday I was looking through the yahoo news and saw that the justice department finally came out and took and official stance on the changing state marijuana laws. Legal by state law / outlawed by the federal does that work? Get pulled over burning one and they detain you until the DEA or FBI show up to cart you off? And, who's right and who's wrong? Well, is it something to make illegal or not? Make up your mind.

This was all resolved by the new policy the department has adopted - that they would not supercede state laws on the matter: if it is legal in your state, then it is legal in the eyes or the federal government.

And someone said justice has a blind eye.

Anyway - thoughts on the matter? Opinions anyone?
Whether its legal in my state makes no difference to me, it's still against my company policy at work so I couldn't burn one if I wanted to which sux donkey balls because the drinkers get to drink while they are off why can't I burn one??? Shit blows
I saw this yesterday on FOX as well. I was shaking my head. They really are fucked up
I'm down with it. But like smoove said I can't smoke either way. I'd get fired. Alcohol is legal, pain pills and amphetamines as well. Why not marijuana? It's a LOT less damaging than any of the before mentioned
smoove said:
Whether its legal in my state makes no difference to me, it's still against my company policy at work so I couldn't burn one if I wanted to which sux donkey balls because the drinkers get to drink while they are off why can't I burn one??? Shit blows

True statement for me also Brother Smoove! They should just legalize it. Tax it and help get the country
out of debt.
I don't know if you guys know this about me,but I am a huge pot head... Pun intended, if u don't get u suck, anyway it def should be legalized for recreational use.....
The core issue here is State Powers vs. Powers delegated to the Federal Government by the Constitution. Usually the Feds try to trample all over States Powers, so this is an interesting twist. Take gun laws for instance, or illegal immigration.
Thesuperwallaby said:
I don't know if you guys know this about me,but I am a huge pot head... Pun intended, if u don't get u suck, anyway it def should be legalized for recreational use.....
personally, i find drug use highly offensive.

[attachment deleted by admin]
texson said:
jeez...the graphics here suck.
texsonhe wants to externally link to images which is a HUGE security risk.....
GRIM said:
he wants to externally link to images which is a HUGE security risk.....

what was I thinking. I mean, look at all the discussion boards that have adversely been affected by links to jpgs. and my good, the people that have been busted by em.

dude. you don't know me. not personally or professionally, but I assure you my opinion on the matter is valid. and I wont bore you with my resume, but rest assured the work I've done over the past 27 years has not only effected every person's life on this board in one way or the other, but renders my opinion quite valid.

instead of worring about external links to need to do what I did, and puruse the code that makes up this board - simple minds SMF. download it. its open source, BSD based.

or better yet, contact the folk.

I did. their development department. and I spoke to a few of the developers there.

you wanna worry about something? worry about the amatuers with less than a year php/MySQL coding experience in a really, no money involved, shoe string, volunteer basis operation.

yeah, its scary stuff.

and I could go on and on, but that's enough.

bottom line: any vet here worth having is a member of other boards....boards EG would label as 'dangerous'. Does EG security extend that far? To make me feel all warm and fuzzy safe while on more functional boards but less secure boards? Gonna keep me off the LE radar?

Sad day in my life when my security is based on a bunch of volunteer php coders and a steroid discussion board staff. that's just not happening.

I guess some boards are gonna sell them selves on the fear factor to the unknowing (hey, join us or else your not safe), and yet others, who don't lose site of what a board is really about, are gonna sell themselves on the quality of the community they crude and risky as they are.

But help me out here....because Im thinking...real hard - how many people and boards do I know of have been hurt by good use of graphics?

and what are the value of a better graphic environment on these discussion boards? think about it. how nice to be able to wonder through a 'show your pet pic' thread with out having to stop at each and every blessed post to click on the crippled (oh, but so safe) image, look at it and then click it away, as opposed to liesurely thumb wheeling down the list.

just a nuance, huh. well, how many years did you study the ergonomic value of user interfaces? how many boring ass seminars did you sit through.

boo, bad ole external image links.

but then, what do I know.


the anti-Christ of political correctness.
Oh gosh .... did big bad ol' grim hurt your iddy bitty feewings?

I have an idea, since your knowledge is soooo extremely vast, why don't you start you own site? I'm sure you'll have the bestest site ever!!
lmao right you know your shit but don't have any worry about External images a KNOWN way to get IP's and track people.

Whatever Im not gonna argue you thought BOP was safe, right..

EG dangerous ? Simple machines is the BASE, there is plenty of custom modifications...

Not to forget the numerous layers of protection on EG's server against bad code.


I have been adminning secured server for 2 decades..

EXTERNAL images can not only track but get your fng IP ffs.
Hanzo said:
Oh gosh .... did big bad ol' grim hurt your iddy bitty feewings?

I have an idea, since your knowledge is soooo extremely vast, why don't you start you own site? I'm sure you'll have the bestest site ever!!
Hanzohe has no idea what he's talking about.

Any admin who does stops external images, in fact one of the main BB forum admins 'the guy who gets paid to admin them. agrees with me 100%

but yeah 2 seconds to save an image is so hard Id rather give up my IP addy.

Might get a finger cramp.

FYI boards allow external images TO SAVE THEM MONEY! Not for fuctionality.

But you know all the other options here are destroyed because of not allowing a method for IP gathering..

BTW I thought you were in Texas...

You sound like LE tbh...
Fuck him Grim. Like you noted, he was just fine at BOP, one of if not THE most unsecure boards around.

If he throws a tantrum and leaves I know I won't miss him.

Don't let the proverbial door hit you on the way out dude.

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